Monday, April 23, 2007

Research Group Meeting on Wednesday 4/25

The Chula Vista Genealogical Society has a monthly Research Group meeting on the 4th Wednesday of every month (except December). It starts at 10 AM in the Conference Room in the Chula Vista Civic Center Library (365 F Street, Chula Vista). The next meeting is Wednesday, April 25th.

The purpose of the Research Group is to provide research help and advice to the members of CVGS and guests. The format is usually:

1) A summary of the Genealogy News for the last month.

2) Research problems of the attendees - the attendee describes their problem, including what research they have already performed. The other attendees then ask questions and offer advice on how or where further research might be performed. The freely-given knowledge of the group is often very helpful to the member with the problem!

3) Research successes of the attendees - the attendee describes their recent research "finds" - often with a document or image to show and tell. These successes usually don't happen overnight!

4) Online demonstration of web sites or databases to supplement the research problem advice.

The Research Group has fostered a wonderful spirit of helpfulness and sharing among CVGS members, and we enjoy sharing our problems with the group. We, as a group, also enjoy hearing about the research successes.

If you have a genealogy research problem, please consider attending the Research Group meetings. We can probably help!

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