The annual Holiday Luncheon of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society will be on Wednesday, 10 December, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the South Chula Vista Branch Library (389 Orange Avenue). To enter the parking lot, you have to be going north on Fourth Avenue or east on Orange Avenue. The Conference Room is at the west end of the building - enter through the door on the south side of the building facing the parking lot. The luncheon and program are FREE to attend.
The Luncheon will feature salads, ham and turkey, entree accompaniments, and desserts. If you are attending, please bring items according to:
* Surnames A- H bring desserts
* Surnames I to P bring entree accompaniments (potatoes, vegetables, etc.)
* Surnames Q to Z bring salads
The ham and turkey will be provided by CVGS, as will liquid refreshments.
Please contact Susi (619-690-1188, SusiCP(at)aol.com) to coordinate potluck items.
In addition, attendees are requested to bring:
* A wrapped gift for the opportunity drawing
* Unwrapped toys or non-perishable food items for donation to the Salvation Army
* A story about your best genealogy experience in 2008.
The program will include:
* Welcome by President Randy Seaver
* Recognition of former CVGS Officers
* Recognition of 2007-2008 CVGS Board of Directors
* Lunch
* Installation of 2009-2010 CVGS Officers
* Opportunity Drawing for Wrapped Gifts
* Door Prize Drawing
* Member Sharing "My Best Genealogy Experience of 2008"
* Happy Holidays!
We look forward to seeing all of our members at this gala event of the year!
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