Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 2013 Newsletter is Available Online

The December 2013 issue of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society (CVGS) Newsletter was published last week.  You can read it online, in a PDF format - use the Newsletter link at

The Table of Contents lists: 

page 1 - December 11th Holiday Luncheon 
page 2 - President’s Message  
page 2 - 2014 Membership Renewal 
page 3 - November 26th Program Review
page 4 - Research Group News  
page 5 - Library Assistance Every Wednesday
page 5 - Genealogy Field Trips
page 5 - Next Computer Group Meeting
page 5 - Scholarship Fund Basket 
page 6 - Education Chair Notes 

page 6 - Nametags 
page 7 - Spring Seminar News
page 7 - December 7th Computer Help Workshop
page 7 - Lemon Grove Research Group News
page 7 - SDGS Family History Seminar 
page 7 - Genealogy Class at Southwestern 
page 8 - Genealogy News for November 
page 9 - CVGS Society Information 
page 9 - San Diego Genealogy Events 
page 10 - Genealogy Days in Chula Vista 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

CVGS 2013 Holiday Luncheon Review

The 2013 Holiday Luncheon was great - excellent food, good gift exchange, some announcements, and Gary's video extravaganza.

President Virginia Taylor welcomed the 30 or so attendees and opened the festivities by inviting them to go to the food room where drinks, salads, potluck dishes, ham and turkey, and desserts were laid out for our feasting pleasure.  We feasted...and some went back for a second helping.  JoAnn and Dorothy did a wonderful job of organizing the food service.

After we had lunch, Gary had an intriguing and funny presentation.  He's getting good at this!  After asking the question "What is an ancestor?" he showed video clips from FamilySearch (children answering the question), another FamilySearch clip showing a Chinese family tree; and a Ray Stevens video of "I'm My Own Grandpa."

The next question was "What do we do as genealogists?"  Gary showed video clips from Genealogy In Time; from Jimmy Kimmel's show; a Lisa Kudrow interview on Ellen DeGeneres show; a Jay Leno clip; and "The Family Tree" clip from the Beverly Hillbillies.

Coming back to CVGS activities, he did an "Honoring those who got us here" series, showing baby pictures and having the audience guess who they are;  the first two were Dearl Glenn and Phyllis Learned, longtime members who died in 2013.  Then it was baby pictures of a number of longtime members (I recall Dorothy, John, Randy, Bernice, Nancy, Boots, and Helen).

Gary ended the video presentation showing the baby picture of this year's "Honorary Life Member" nominee and having us guess who it is.  It was Susi Pentico, a past President, and currently Education and Seminar Chair on the Board.  Susi was awarded lifetime membership and a certificate by CVGS President Virginia Taylor.

The two drawings were held, first for the door prizes of the Nutcracker, Angel and Santa Claus dolls, and then for the table decorations.  Finally, the bring-one get-one gift exchange was held with about tickets picked one-by-one, until all of the gifts were selected and unwrapped.

CVGS has had a very successful 2013, and this Holiday Luncheon sure was an excellent way to finish it off.  A great time was had by all, and the food was excellent too!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

CVGS Holiday Luncheon is Wednesday, 11 December 2013 at Chula Vista South Branch Library

The annual Holiday Luncheon of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society is on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Chula Vista South Branch Library (389 Orange Avenue) in the Community Room (at the west end of the library).

The luncheon will have turkey, ham, and drinks provided by CVGS.  The pot luck breakdown for the rest of the meal will be coordinated by JoAnn Bonner (phone 619-421-3628, email and Dorothy Alvord (phone 619-469-3483, email– please contact them before 1 December to coordinate potluck dishes.   

The potluck schedule is:

A to F Surnames:  Snack trays, Condiments, Olives, Pickles, Cranberry Sauce, etc.
G to K Surnames: Potatoes (Irish or Sweet), Veggies, Casseroles
L to P Surnames:  Desserts
Q to Z Surnames: Salads, Rolls, Butter 

There will be a free door prize drawing, and a gift exchange ($10 limit).  Attendees are requested to bring canned food and/or unwrapped toys for donation to the Salvation Army.

This is a free event, and all are welcome to attend.  Please contact JoAnn Bonner or Dorothy Alford to reserve your place at the table, and to coordinate your potluck food item.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

No CVGS Research Group or Computer Group Meetings in December

There will be no CVGS Research Group meeting on 11 December (superseded by the Holiday Luncheon) nor a Computer Group Meeting on 18 December (superseded by the Computer Help workshop on 7 December).

The next regularly scheduled meetings of these groups will be:

*  Research Group meeting - January 15, 2014 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library.

*  Computer Group meeting - January 22, 2014 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Computer Lab at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Computer Help Workshop on Saturday, 7 December 2013

The December 7th Workshop at Bonita-Sunnyside Library (375 Bonita Road) will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Community Room.  

This will be a “Computer Help Workshop” moderated by Shirley Becker (on Macs and tablets) and Gary Brock (on PCs and Windows).  

We will talk about applications and their use; downloading; some internet; transferring files to Dropbox or iCloud; use of types of browsers -- Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome; searching the internet for information; copy and paste information; using the camera, and saving pictures. 

Please bring questions and problems to the workshop and we will attempt to resolve them. 

Bring your own laptop or tablet and receive one-on-one help from CVGS members.

Bring your own lunch, or go out during a noon-time break to one of the local eateries.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Genealogy Days in Chula Vista - December 2013

The Chula Vista Genealogical Society events for December 2013 include:

**  Saturday, 7 December, 10 a.m. to 3p.m., Bonita-Sunnyside Library (4375 Bonita Road) -- CVGS Workshop:"Computer Help Workshop" moderated by Shirley Becker (for Macs and tablets) and Gary Brock (for PCs and Windows).  Bring your laptop for help with operating systems, genealogy software, website searching, etc.

** Wednesday 11 December, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Chula Vista Civic South Branch Library (389 Orange Avenue) -- CVGS Holiday Luncheon.  

**  Wednesdays, 4, and 18 December, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library (365 F Street) -- Research Assistance in the Family Research area.  John Finch will help you with your research problems.  Bring your laptop if you want to do online research.

The Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library is located at 365 "F" Street in Chula Vista - between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue, midway between I-5 and I-805 (take the "E" Street exit from the freeways).

The Bonita-Sunnyside (County) Library is located at 4375 Bonita Road in Bonita - turn north on Billy Casper Way, just west of the Otay Lakes Road intersection with Bonita Road, on the north side of Bonita Road.

We welcome guests and visitors to our CVGS programs and events - if you are in the greater San Diego area and want to attend our events - please come and introduce yourselves.  All CVGS events are FREE to attend, except for some seminars and picnics.