The Chula Vista Genealogical Society Research Group on Wednesday, 8 June, had 15 attendees.
Randy gave a short presentation on Cemetery Records, discussing the different kinds of cemeteries; types of cemetery records; how to find a burial location; published, unpublished and online cemetery records; going to the cemetery; making your visits count; plus examples from his own research.
Many attendees added comments, including "take a map of how to find the cemetery," "obtain a map of the cemetery grounds if possible," "take a cell phone," "take a voice recorder to describe the stones," and "check monument company records as well as funeral home records."
Bobbie noted that not all graves are in family plots, and to look at all sides of the gravestone. She displayed a gravestone rubbing of one of her ancestors.
Ann noted that the website was recently updated.
Karen noted that when her father was buried at sea off San Diego, she received a map with the exact location, and information about the U.S. Navy ship that performed the ceremony.
Helen contacted an Eastern Town Cemetery Association, which provided a helpful list of names from an index and cemetery record cards for burials with her surname.
Cynthia noted that people are buried vertically in Washington, DC in order to save space. Others noted that cemetery space in some European countries is reused after a period of time.
A general question asked was "What are the DAR and the FHL?" This reminded us that we often talk in shorthand. The DAR is the Daughters of the American Revolution heritage organization, which has an excellent website which includes the membership applications and ancestor information. The FHL is the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, which has over 300,000 books, over 2.4 million microfilms, and over 700,000 microfiche sets. Information about the microfilm and microfiche resources can be obtained from the LDS website, and they can be ordered at a local Family History Center.
The next meeting of the CVGS Research Group will be Wednesday, 13 July at 12 noon at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library (365 F Street in Chula Vista). The group will watch a webinar video on CDROM.
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