Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Annie Blanche Harrel Obituary Query

A query was received from Norman Harrell, but the email address given in the query bounced back on me. I'm posting this in hopes that Norman will Google his own name, or his aunt's name, and will see my response.


Annie Blanche Harrell was born in Wynne, Arkansas 2 Sep 1886 and died in Chula Vista 15 Sep 1967. She was buried in Wynne, Arkansas. I would like to have any information on her. She was Assistant Cashier at the Security Trust and Saving Bank in Chula Vista. She was single. Can you provide me her obituary? I will be glad to reimburse you for your expenses as well as the $10 donation. I am especially interested in know the names of her grandparents. Her parents were Andrew Jackson and Lucy Annie Williams.



I was able to find a short obituary in the Thursday, September 21 1967 edition of the Chula Vista Star-News newspaper on page A-3 in the South Bay Obituaries section. The obituary reads:

"Miss Annie Harrell

"Services for Miss Annie Blanche Harrell, 81, of 329 G St., Chula Vista, who had been assistant security manager at Chula Vista's Security First National Bank for 30 years before retiring in 1952, were conducted yesterday in Hubbard Mortuary Chapel. Her body was forwarded for burial in Wynne, Ark.

"Born in Arkansas, Miss Harrell was a county resident for 39 years. Two nephews survive."


That's all there is, I'm sorry to say. If you want an image of part of the page, I'll be happy to scan it and send it via email. The copy quality is very poor due to the poor microfilm copy and the maintenance problems on the printer attached to the copier. I almost had to transcribe it by hand.

Best regards -- Randy Seaver (email rjseaver@cox.net)

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