Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Official CVGS Web Site back on Rootsweb

I mentioned on Sunday that the Chula Vista Genealogical Society web site housed on Rootsweb/Ancestry had gone missing on 6 July all of a sudden for some reason.

On Monday, 14 July, I sent a message to the Ancestry Support Team through their online Help desk telling them about it. I received a response on Tuesday, 22 July (6 working days later). It said:

"It is there: They moved a server. Perhaps he tried to access it during that move? Can he access it now? Sorry for the inconvenience. HelpDesk"

On Monday, 21 July, our webmaster contacted Rootsweb through the their Accounts Team and received this message on Tuesday, 22 July (one day turn-around):

"Your web account is active again. It appeared that there was a request from my predecessor to close this account, but there was no reason specified. I've looked over the pages on your account and can find no reason for the site to have been closed. Did you receive an email from someone at RootsWeb indicating that the account would be or was closed? If so, did it provide a reason?"

So it took awhile to find it and put it back where it belongs. It's there now - at They moved a server? And busted links for how many web sites? Or databases? Or did they close the account because someone hacked the password and requested it to be closed? How frustrating...

It's nice to know that requests for help are answered. We do appreciate it.

One lesson here is to contact the Rootsweb and/or Ancestry Support Team early and explain the problem thoroughly so that they can respond with alacrity to satisfy their customer.

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