Our Chula Vista Genealogical Society program today was presented by Joan Lowrey of La Jolla, whose topic was "Digging Up the Un-Dead (Finding Living People)." Joan's biography and talk summary was provided here. We had 44 attendees (more than 50% of our membership), of which 3 were guests (two of whom also attended our 10/20 seminar).
This was an excellent program given by an excellent speaker with excellent credentials - one of the very best programs we have had. The subject is of interest to everyone who is looking for living people - distant relatives, old flames, classmates, etc.
Joan went through the different web sites with:
* Free Telephone Directories (she highlighted www.411.com, the US Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 on www.ancestry.com (need subscription to Ancestry) plus others)
* Other Free Sites (she highlighted Steve Morse's site www.stevemorse.org, www.pipl.com plus others)
* Free Sites with Fee Options (she highlighted www.brbpub.com and www.melissadata.com, among others)
* Fee Sites (she highlighted www.netdetective.com, www.courtrecords.org, and www.reverse-records.org among others).
In all of her work, she didn't pay a dime to find out what she showed us about her own family and several other families of interest. From bits and pieces gleaned from these web sites - all for free - she was able to find out many useful things about a person - name, spouse, children, age, address, phone number, approximate home value, neighbors, etc. You can choose to subscribe to a fee service that looks for many more items - criminal records, drivers license, court records, email address, utilities bills, etc. Of course, there are many people who don't own a home or just don't want to be found, so it isn't foolproof.
Joan also showed and summarized two articles that compared People Search fee sites - the articles are at:
* http://consumer-guide.to/People.Searches
* http://www.2006topscams.com/people--search
Joan warned us to be careful about the recommendations at these sites, since we don't know if any of the People Search sites paid to be listed. She also warned us to be careful when using any People Search service - either free or for fee. Use of some sites may generate spam if you give them an email address or a credit card number.
Joan did a really nice job on this presentation, and it generated a lot of comments and questions.
This blog is sponsored by the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, located in southern San Diego County in California. The purpose of the Genealogy Cafe is to serve our members and other San Diego genealogy researchers - to answer questions, provide research information, provide notices of programs, etc.
Monday, October 29, 2007
"Mastering Family History" Videos
I must have missed the announcement of this web site - http://www.masteringfamilyhistory.com/. Or maybe it's been kept a secret for some reason.
The web site has a series of videos (saved as executable files for some reason) that have audio with a Powerpoint presentation on the following subjects:
* FamilySearch Indexing (13 minutes)
* New FamilySearch (15 minutes)
* Introduction to Family History (19 minutes)
* Personal Ancestral File 5.2.18 (30 minutes)
* Compiled Genealogies (5 minutes)
* Pedigree Resource File (9 minutes)
* Ancestral File (15 minutes)
* One World Tree (10 minutes)
* Internet Genealogies (6 minutes)
* Ancestry.com (18 minutes)
* Documenting Research Findings (15 minutes)
* PAF Insight (18 minutes)
* PRFMagnet (32 minutes in 5 segments)
* U.S. Cities Galore (12 minutes)
* Internet Searches (5 minutes)
* Downloading and Importing GEDCOM Files (10 minutes)
While these are oriented to LDS databases and resources, they may be very useful for beginning researchers to understand and learn how to use the LDS databases, and PAF, effectively. You can view the videos online on a small screen, or download the executable file for viewing at a later time.
Thank you to Jennifer at the JacksBox4You blog http://jacksbox4you.blogspot.com/ for the link to her post here. If there was an award for the best background picture on a genealogy blog, I would vote for Jennifer's in a heartbeat. Go look at it - very cool, great imagery!
The web site has a series of videos (saved as executable files for some reason) that have audio with a Powerpoint presentation on the following subjects:
* FamilySearch Indexing (13 minutes)
* New FamilySearch (15 minutes)
* Introduction to Family History (19 minutes)
* Personal Ancestral File 5.2.18 (30 minutes)
* Compiled Genealogies (5 minutes)
* Pedigree Resource File (9 minutes)
* Ancestral File (15 minutes)
* One World Tree (10 minutes)
* Internet Genealogies (6 minutes)
* Ancestry.com (18 minutes)
* Documenting Research Findings (15 minutes)
* PAF Insight (18 minutes)
* PRFMagnet (32 minutes in 5 segments)
* U.S. Cities Galore (12 minutes)
* Internet Searches (5 minutes)
* Downloading and Importing GEDCOM Files (10 minutes)
While these are oriented to LDS databases and resources, they may be very useful for beginning researchers to understand and learn how to use the LDS databases, and PAF, effectively. You can view the videos online on a small screen, or download the executable file for viewing at a later time.
Thank you to Jennifer at the JacksBox4You blog http://jacksbox4you.blogspot.com/ for the link to her post here. If there was an award for the best background picture on a genealogy blog, I would vote for Jennifer's in a heartbeat. Go look at it - very cool, great imagery!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Bible or Family Record - Isaac Parker (1812-1882) Family
Some of the most useful, and often the most elusive, records for 19th century families are Bible Records or family papers. There are many genealogy organizations and web sites that collect these records so that they are accessible to other researchers.
The Chula Vista Genealogical Society has received family research papers, including Bible pages, from two estates to date (one stored in boxes at a member's garage, the other in a file cabinet at the library). Other societies and repositories have many of these types of records hidden away in a file cabinet where they cannot do a lot of good to other researchers unless they thumb through the file cabinet or box on a shelf (or worse) somewhere.
Here are family records from copies of Bible pages (note that they are not the original pages) removed from a family Bible (Bible edition, publication date, original ownership and provenance unknown). In addition, at least one of the previous "owners" of these pages has handwritten additional data on the copy of the pages so I don't know exactly when they were added.
David Wade Parker - son of Isaac and Evaline Parker, and Ida May McKibben - daughter of Isaac Granville and Margaret McKibben - were married at #2317 Grove St. Kansas City Mo. on the First day of August 1893.
Sarah Elizabeth Parker ^Record #2189^ married Thomas Muir Oct 23, 1866 (Andrew Co., Records; dau. Agness Muir ^desc Nov 17, 1867^.
Mary Catherine Parker married James W. Smith, son Eddie Smith d. Apr. 28, 1881 - 1 yr 11 mo.
Henry Kindle Parker m. Susdan Caroline Hall Dec. 24, 1876; dau. of Charles Wm. Hall (son of David) and Permelia Jane Packson, dau. of Martin Jackson.
Christopher Parker (Sept. 27, 1773 to Sept. 27, 1849) to Elizabeth Hanover (Nov. 27, 1776 to March 1, 1872) married 20 Feb. 1801, Ohio, West Virginia.
FAMILY RECORD (two facing pages) - format is (1) Name, (2) Place of Birth, (3) Date of Birth, (4) Date of Marriage, (5) Date of Death:
(1) Isaac Parker (2) Adams, Brown County, Ohio (3) July 19 1812, (4) empty (5) Dec 20 1882.
(1) Evaline Shelton - Parker (2) Brown County, Ohio, (3) Dec 24 1822, (4) empty, (5) May 4, 1881.
(1) Isaac Granville McKibben, (2) empty, (3) July 5 1834, (4) empty, (5) April 21 1911
(1) Margaret Houseweart-McKibben, (2) empty, (3) Pa. (4) empty, (5) July 18 1913.
(1) David Wade Parker, (2) Bentonville, Adams County, Ohio, (3) Feby 8 1862, (4) Aug 1 1893, (5) April 21, 1943
(1) Ida May McKibben, (2) Butler, Bates Co., Mo., (3) June 4, 1867, (5) Aug 1 1893, (5) Apr. 29, 1939
(1) Forrest Victor Parker, (2) Kansas City, Mo., (3) April 24 1894, (4) empty, (5) June 23 1896.
(1) Richard Marian Parker, (2) Kansas City, Mo., (3) July 16 1898, (4) June 15 1921, (5) Aug. 14 1964
(1) Hubert McKibben Parker, (2) Kansas City, Mo., (3) September 19, 1900, (4) Jan. 4th 1932, (5) empty
(1) Margaret Jane Parker, (2) Kansas City, Mo., (3) October 29 1910, (4) January 3, 1949, (5) Oct. 20 1976.
Margaret Jane Parker married Kenneth Charles Oelfke [?], son of William and Mary Oelfke, Kansas City, Mo. January 3, 1949.
Hubert McKibben Parker and Agnes Rose Bollinge-Dycks [difficult to read] were married January 4 1932.
Richard Marion Parker was baptized Sunday June 12 1910 at Hyde Park M.E. Church Kansas City Mo. by Dr. N. Luecock, Pastor
Hubert McKibben Parker was baptized Sunday June 12 1910 at Hyde Park M.E. Church Kansas City Mo. by Dr. N. Luecock, Pastor.
Margaret Jane Parker was baptized Sunday June 11 1911 at Hyde Park M.E. Church Kansas City Mo. by Dr. N. Luecock, Pastor.
Richard Marion Parker married Marguerite Lucille Fuge [?] daughter of Wm and Margaret Fuge [?] Kansas City Mo. June 18 1921.
Children of Richard M. and Marguerite L. Parker, Marguerite Lucille (Dixie) Parker born May 7 1921, Betty Lynn Oelfke Daughter of Kenneth & Margaret Jane Oelfke born March 16 1930.
Children of Isaac and Evaline Parker:
Sarah Elizabeth, Born Mar. 12, 1846, Died 1867.
John William, Born 1849, Died Jan 1 1866
James Martin, Born 1850, Died Feb. 27, 1934
Lyman Ballard, Born 1853, Died May 3 1937
Mary Catherine, Born 1855, Died Mch 15 1881
Henry Kindle, Born Oct. 10 1856, Died Feb 10 1933
David Wade, Born Feby 8 1862, Died Apr. 21 1943.
Caroline Victor, Born July 12 1865, Died Feb. 22, 1945
Children of Isaac Granville and Margaret McKibben:
Cora Estelle, Born Nov 15 1859, Died Ap. 22 1895
Elmer Ellsworth, Born Oct 23 1861, Died Aug 22 1936
Margaret Jane, Born June 13 1864
Ida May, Born June 4 1867, Died Apr 29 1939
Eva Elzina, Born Sept 17 1870
Myrtle Lenora, Born Ap. 21 1873
Mary Eliza, Born Mch 27 1876, Died May 14, 1943.
Kenneth Charles Oelfke Jr. Born Nov. 28 1931
Thomas McKibben Oelfke Born June 27 1932.
CVGS can not vouch for the accuracy oor completeness of these records. They are provided as a service to interested genealogy researchers.
If the people in this family record are in your ancestry and you want a copy of these pages, please contact us at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com.
The Chula Vista Genealogical Society has received family research papers, including Bible pages, from two estates to date (one stored in boxes at a member's garage, the other in a file cabinet at the library). Other societies and repositories have many of these types of records hidden away in a file cabinet where they cannot do a lot of good to other researchers unless they thumb through the file cabinet or box on a shelf (or worse) somewhere.
Here are family records from copies of Bible pages (note that they are not the original pages) removed from a family Bible (Bible edition, publication date, original ownership and provenance unknown). In addition, at least one of the previous "owners" of these pages has handwritten additional data on the copy of the pages so I don't know exactly when they were added.
David Wade Parker - son of Isaac and Evaline Parker, and Ida May McKibben - daughter of Isaac Granville and Margaret McKibben - were married at #2317 Grove St. Kansas City Mo. on the First day of August 1893.
Sarah Elizabeth Parker ^Record #2189^ married Thomas Muir Oct 23, 1866 (Andrew Co., Records; dau. Agness Muir ^desc Nov 17, 1867^.
Mary Catherine Parker married James W. Smith, son Eddie Smith d. Apr. 28, 1881 - 1 yr 11 mo.
Henry Kindle Parker m. Susdan Caroline Hall Dec. 24, 1876; dau. of Charles Wm. Hall (son of David) and Permelia Jane Packson, dau. of Martin Jackson.
Christopher Parker (Sept. 27, 1773 to Sept. 27, 1849) to Elizabeth Hanover (Nov. 27, 1776 to March 1, 1872) married 20 Feb. 1801, Ohio, West Virginia.
FAMILY RECORD (two facing pages) - format is (1) Name, (2) Place of Birth, (3) Date of Birth, (4) Date of Marriage, (5) Date of Death:
(1) Isaac Parker (2) Adams, Brown County, Ohio (3) July 19 1812, (4) empty (5) Dec 20 1882.
(1) Evaline Shelton - Parker (2) Brown County, Ohio, (3) Dec 24 1822, (4) empty, (5) May 4, 1881.
(1) Isaac Granville McKibben, (2) empty, (3) July 5 1834, (4) empty, (5) April 21 1911
(1) Margaret Houseweart-McKibben, (2) empty, (3) Pa. (4) empty, (5) July 18 1913.
(1) David Wade Parker, (2) Bentonville, Adams County, Ohio, (3) Feby 8 1862, (4) Aug 1 1893, (5) April 21, 1943
(1) Ida May McKibben, (2) Butler, Bates Co., Mo., (3) June 4, 1867, (5) Aug 1 1893, (5) Apr. 29, 1939
(1) Forrest Victor Parker, (2) Kansas City, Mo., (3) April 24 1894, (4) empty, (5) June 23 1896.
(1) Richard Marian Parker, (2) Kansas City, Mo., (3) July 16 1898, (4) June 15 1921, (5) Aug. 14 1964
(1) Hubert McKibben Parker, (2) Kansas City, Mo., (3) September 19, 1900, (4) Jan. 4th 1932, (5) empty
(1) Margaret Jane Parker, (2) Kansas City, Mo., (3) October 29 1910, (4) January 3, 1949, (5) Oct. 20 1976.
Margaret Jane Parker married Kenneth Charles Oelfke [?], son of William and Mary Oelfke, Kansas City, Mo. January 3, 1949.
Hubert McKibben Parker and Agnes Rose Bollinge-Dycks [difficult to read] were married January 4 1932.
Richard Marion Parker was baptized Sunday June 12 1910 at Hyde Park M.E. Church Kansas City Mo. by Dr. N. Luecock, Pastor
Hubert McKibben Parker was baptized Sunday June 12 1910 at Hyde Park M.E. Church Kansas City Mo. by Dr. N. Luecock, Pastor.
Margaret Jane Parker was baptized Sunday June 11 1911 at Hyde Park M.E. Church Kansas City Mo. by Dr. N. Luecock, Pastor.
Richard Marion Parker married Marguerite Lucille Fuge [?] daughter of Wm and Margaret Fuge [?] Kansas City Mo. June 18 1921.
Children of Richard M. and Marguerite L. Parker, Marguerite Lucille (Dixie) Parker born May 7 1921, Betty Lynn Oelfke Daughter of Kenneth & Margaret Jane Oelfke born March 16 1930.
Children of Isaac and Evaline Parker:
Sarah Elizabeth, Born Mar. 12, 1846, Died 1867.
John William, Born 1849, Died Jan 1 1866
James Martin, Born 1850, Died Feb. 27, 1934
Lyman Ballard, Born 1853, Died May 3 1937
Mary Catherine, Born 1855, Died Mch 15 1881
Henry Kindle, Born Oct. 10 1856, Died Feb 10 1933
David Wade, Born Feby 8 1862, Died Apr. 21 1943.
Caroline Victor, Born July 12 1865, Died Feb. 22, 1945
Children of Isaac Granville and Margaret McKibben:
Cora Estelle, Born Nov 15 1859, Died Ap. 22 1895
Elmer Ellsworth, Born Oct 23 1861, Died Aug 22 1936
Margaret Jane, Born June 13 1864
Ida May, Born June 4 1867, Died Apr 29 1939
Eva Elzina, Born Sept 17 1870
Myrtle Lenora, Born Ap. 21 1873
Mary Eliza, Born Mch 27 1876, Died May 14, 1943.
Kenneth Charles Oelfke Jr. Born Nov. 28 1931
Thomas McKibben Oelfke Born June 27 1932.
CVGS can not vouch for the accuracy oor completeness of these records. They are provided as a service to interested genealogy researchers.
If the people in this family record are in your ancestry and you want a copy of these pages, please contact us at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com.
Hey San Diegans - go to the FHC!
Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Just go to the San Diego Family History Center and use the computers to access FamilyLink, Godfrey Memorial Library, Footnote, HeritageQuestOnline and WorldVitalRecords for free.
Yep - these links to the subscription web sites are installed and running well. I was there today to copy more Rhode Island Probate records, and checked the computer as I was about to leave. I stayed for another 30 minutes checking things on WorldVitalRecords.
To access these services, you have to start Internet Explorer, then go to Favorites and click on the "Premium Databases" folder, and then on the "Family History Center Services Online Portal" and that will take you to the FHC-only web site. That site looks like this:

Yep - these links to the subscription web sites are installed and running well. I was there today to copy more Rhode Island Probate records, and checked the computer as I was about to leave. I stayed for another 30 minutes checking things on WorldVitalRecords.
To access these services, you have to start Internet Explorer, then go to Favorites and click on the "Premium Databases" folder, and then on the "Family History Center Services Online Portal" and that will take you to the FHC-only web site. That site looks like this:

This site indicates that still not available are Genline.com, Genline.se and Kindred Konnections.
I did not ask about the status of this at the FHC today because I figured it was still months down the road here. Wrong! I like being wrong sometimes.
I'm guessing that there has been no publicity at the FHC about it because they don't want a deluge of users and they want the staff to get familiar with using it. So I'm using my little bloghorn here to shout out to my Chula Vista and San Diego area colleagues.
Commercial Services,
Online Resources,
San Diego
Friday, October 26, 2007
CVGS Program on 10/29 - "Digging Up the Undead"
The Chula Vista Genealogical Society meeting is Monday, 29 October at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library auditorium. Doors open at 10:00 a.m., and the program will start at about 10:20 a.m. Please enter through the conference room off the east entrance to sing in, pick up handouts, and have a snack. There will be a short business meeting before the speaker.
The program speaker will be Joan Lowrey of La Jolla, whose talk is titled "Digging Up the Undead - Finding Living People." In this presentation, you will learn the best websites and techniques for finding living people. Most people can be found, even those with unlisted phone numbers, using the tools that will be demonstrated in this presentation.
Joan Lowrey is a professional genealogist, specializing in the U.S. and Germany. She has extensive experience in San Diego County and also does missing heir research. A good part of her work is finding living descendants. Joan is the founder and past President of the Computer Genealogy Society of San Diego (CGSSD), and the editor of its fine newsletter, Compu.Gen.
Guests and visitors are always welcome at our CVGS meetings. We look forward to seeing all of our members too!
The program speaker will be Joan Lowrey of La Jolla, whose talk is titled "Digging Up the Undead - Finding Living People." In this presentation, you will learn the best websites and techniques for finding living people. Most people can be found, even those with unlisted phone numbers, using the tools that will be demonstrated in this presentation.
Joan Lowrey is a professional genealogist, specializing in the U.S. and Germany. She has extensive experience in San Diego County and also does missing heir research. A good part of her work is finding living descendants. Joan is the founder and past President of the Computer Genealogy Society of San Diego (CGSSD), and the editor of its fine newsletter, Compu.Gen.
Guests and visitors are always welcome at our CVGS meetings. We look forward to seeing all of our members too!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Research Group Meeting 10/24/07
We had only five attendees at our CVGS Research Group today - apparently many people are heeding the directions to stay home, don't drive and take it easy due to the fire disaster here.
We discussed the Genealogy Research News for October 2007, and then talked extensively about the research problems of two attendees.
Chuck, a new member, described his problem: He doesn't know the names of his great-grandparents surnamed Reynolds. His grandfather, Elijah Reynolds, was a twin (to Elisha) born in Indiana in about 1870. In the 1880 census, Elijah R. Dean and Elisha R. Dean (both age 10) lived in Perry County IN with W.H. and S.J. Dean, and William's children William Dean (age 13) and daughter Susan Dean (age 12). Eventually, Elijah Reynolds and Susan Dean married and had children. In other records, S.J. is listed as C.J. Susan is listed as Susannah (her tombstone) and Annie. Elijah's full name is Elijah Wilson Reynolds.
He had found an 1875 marriage record for a William H. Deen and Cerilda J. Reynolds in Perry County, Indiana, and thinks that this is a second marriage for both of them. Cerilda, C.J. and S.J. are probably the same person. He doesn't have death certificates for Elijah Reynolds, Susan(nah) (Dean) Reynolds, William H. Dean or Cerilda J. (--?--) (Reynolds) Dean.
We discussed this at length, noting that it is a typical research problem. We counselled that he needs to obtain as many birth, marriage and vital records as possible for all known family members, including the twin borthe Elisha Reynolds who ended up in Illinois. He should check surname books and county history books for these families. He should check probate (admins, wills, guardianships) and deed records for the 1870-1880 time frame - if Elijah's father died, he may have left records. They may be in Perry County or surrounding counties. There are probably land plat maps for the county that show land ownership in certain years. He should check the USGenWeb county pages, the surname and county message boards and mailing lists, and check the 1870 census for Cerilda Reynolds (with all of the potential spellings for both names).
Dick knows that his father, who lived in Wisconsin, served in World War I, but can find no records of his service. We suggested that he write the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis to see what records they might have. We also suggested that he check the World War II draft registrations for his father. Dick also wondered how to get employment and other information from Social Security. We recommended that he check the SSA web site and a recent CVGCafe blog post with information.
It was an interesting meeting. We have this meeting every 4th Wednesday of each month, and we usually have 10 to 15 attendees.
We discussed the Genealogy Research News for October 2007, and then talked extensively about the research problems of two attendees.
Chuck, a new member, described his problem: He doesn't know the names of his great-grandparents surnamed Reynolds. His grandfather, Elijah Reynolds, was a twin (to Elisha) born in Indiana in about 1870. In the 1880 census, Elijah R. Dean and Elisha R. Dean (both age 10) lived in Perry County IN with W.H. and S.J. Dean, and William's children William Dean (age 13) and daughter Susan Dean (age 12). Eventually, Elijah Reynolds and Susan Dean married and had children. In other records, S.J. is listed as C.J. Susan is listed as Susannah (her tombstone) and Annie. Elijah's full name is Elijah Wilson Reynolds.
He had found an 1875 marriage record for a William H. Deen and Cerilda J. Reynolds in Perry County, Indiana, and thinks that this is a second marriage for both of them. Cerilda, C.J. and S.J. are probably the same person. He doesn't have death certificates for Elijah Reynolds, Susan(nah) (Dean) Reynolds, William H. Dean or Cerilda J. (--?--) (Reynolds) Dean.
We discussed this at length, noting that it is a typical research problem. We counselled that he needs to obtain as many birth, marriage and vital records as possible for all known family members, including the twin borthe Elisha Reynolds who ended up in Illinois. He should check surname books and county history books for these families. He should check probate (admins, wills, guardianships) and deed records for the 1870-1880 time frame - if Elijah's father died, he may have left records. They may be in Perry County or surrounding counties. There are probably land plat maps for the county that show land ownership in certain years. He should check the USGenWeb county pages, the surname and county message boards and mailing lists, and check the 1870 census for Cerilda Reynolds (with all of the potential spellings for both names).
Dick knows that his father, who lived in Wisconsin, served in World War I, but can find no records of his service. We suggested that he write the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis to see what records they might have. We also suggested that he check the World War II draft registrations for his father. Dick also wondered how to get employment and other information from Social Security. We recommended that he check the SSA web site and a recent CVGCafe blog post with information.
It was an interesting meeting. We have this meeting every 4th Wednesday of each month, and we usually have 10 to 15 attendees.
Research News for October 2007
At the Research Group today, Randy shared the following genealogy news for them onth of October:
a) WeRelate, the USF Africana Heritage Project and Ideas4 will build a free, central Internet database for digital images and records of African American genealogy, history and culture. The database, which will be called the Afriquest data crossroads (http://www.afriquest.com), will be built using collaborative software. Access to the images and records on Afriquest will always be free.
b) www.Ancestry.com launched DNA Ancestry -- a new service combining the precision of DNA testing with Ancestry.com's collection of 5 billion names in historical records and the site's family history community. The DNA testing service is at http://dna.ancestry.com/.
c) www.Ancestry.com launched AncestryPress, a tool that lets users create printed, custom family history books, family recipe books and more. Users can build their family tree online at www.Ancestry.com and create their AncestryPress family history book at http://www.ancestrypress.com.
d) The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN), contains information about almost 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States. The GNIS serves two purposes for genealogists. First, it gives precise locations of every village, mountain, river, airport, bay, beach, bridge, etc. in the United States. The information includes the exact latitude and longitude of each named feature. Second, it can help find locations mentioned in old documents. The Geographic Names Information System is available at: http://geonames.usgs.gov.
e) Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) announced a new Web site dedicated to genealogical research. Launched by BAnQ in partnership with Library and Archives Canada (LAC), www.thatsmyfamily.info, also available in French at www.voicimafamille.info, provides the public with a user-friendly and innovative federated search engine free of charge.
f) The Kansas Historical Society's newest online offering, Kansas Memory will feature the largest collection of photographs and manuscripts from Kansas history on the Internet, can be accessed at kansasmemory.org.
a) FamilySearch and the Georgia Archives announced that Georgia’s death index from 1919 to 1927 can be accessed for free online. The online index is linked to digital images of the original death certificates. The index and images can be searched and viewed at www.GeorgiaArchives.org (Virtual Vault link) or labs.familysearch.org.
b) The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) will open, for the first time, all of the individual Official Military Personnel Files (OMPFs) of Army, Army Air Corps, Army Air Forces, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard military personnel who served and were discharged, retired or died while in the service, prior to 1946. These files will cost $15 (5 pages or less) or $50 (6 pages or more). See http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/.
c) www.ancestry.com ($$) has added:
* Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases (1507-2000) from Historic Map works (www.HistoricMapWorks.com).
* Kentucky Vital Records and Indexes - Births, Marriages, Deaths (1852-1999), not all years for each type of record.
* "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire" by Walter Goodwin Davis.
* Many Maryland Genealogies, Marriage, Death and Newspaper Records.
d) www.WorldVitalRecords.com ($$) has new databases, including:
* 2500 ahnentafel pedigree charts that Heritage Quest Magazine subscribers filled out and returned nearly 20 years ago.
* Many family surname books - G and H surnames.
* See new databases at http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/recentcontentlisting.aspx. WVR offers free access for 10 days for each database.
e) www.GenealogyBank.com ($$) added records for 69 more historical newspapers.
a) FamilyTreeMaker 2008 announced and distributed Service Pack 2 which added more fixes to the software, including something like the standard report capability that was in FTM 2006 and earlier. There were bugs in the fixes, the reports were not well done, and the software was withdrawn. Don't buy this software until they get it well fixed.
b) FamilySearch announced that many popular desktop genealogy products can now be used for free in its family history centers in North America. The genealogy database programs include:
* Ancestral Quest 12 (By Incline Software)
* Roots Magic (formerly Family Origins, by RootsMagic, Inc.)
* Legacy Family Tree (By Milennia Corporation)
The Family History Software Utilities include:
* Personal Historian (RootsMagic, Inc.). Writes and preserves personal life stories.
* PAFWiz 2.0 (Incline Software). Add-on tools and report utility for PAF 5.2.
* PAF Insight (Ohana Software). Performs advanced functions for LDS patrons. Provides improved merging, place editing, and other data cleanup tools.
* PAF Companion 5.2 (Progeny Software). Add-on utility that prints a variety of quality charts and reports in different formats.
* Family Atlas (RootsMagic, Inc.). Creates and publishes custom maps directly from personal genealogy data.
* Pedigree Analysis (Generation Maps). Patrons can submit any genealogy computer file for a free pedigree analysis.
* Genelines (Progeny Software). Depicts an ancestor's life in the context of time by bringing together elements of time, history, and family relationships on visual time line charts.
* Map My Family Tree (Progeny Software). Automatically “geocodes” a family tree from any popular genealogy file format and illustrates where ancestors were born, were married, and died on a navigable geographic map. It also prints customized maps.
a) NARA and FamilySearch announced a partnership to digitize, index, and make available the Civil War Widows Pension files. They will start with a pilot project for 3,150 of the pension files. Upon successful completion of the pilot, FamilySearch, in conjunction with www.Footnote.com , intends to digitize and index all 1,280,000 Civil War and later widows' files in the series.
b) The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) will collaborate with Ancestry.com, making special pricing and other member benefits available. An Ancestry subscriber can join NEHGS for $60, and an NEHGS member can subscribe to Ancestry for $100. A subscription to both NEHGS and Ancestry will be $155.40 - the deal exists until 31 December 2007.
c) Spectrum Equity Investors bought a controlling interest in The Generations Network (Ancestry, MyFamily, FamilyTreeMaker, Genealogy.com) for $300 million. TGN management will remain the same, and SEI will have two Board positions.
d) FamilySearch is calling for 10,000 volunteers who can read both English and Spanish to help index Mexican, Argentine and other Latin American records for the Internet. It will be a massive effort to digitally preserve and index millions of Latin American records that are now difficult to access because they are located on microfilm or in an archive. The first target is the Mexican census of 1930.
That's the news!
a) WeRelate, the USF Africana Heritage Project and Ideas4 will build a free, central Internet database for digital images and records of African American genealogy, history and culture. The database, which will be called the Afriquest data crossroads (http://www.afriquest.com), will be built using collaborative software. Access to the images and records on Afriquest will always be free.
b) www.Ancestry.com launched DNA Ancestry -- a new service combining the precision of DNA testing with Ancestry.com's collection of 5 billion names in historical records and the site's family history community. The DNA testing service is at http://dna.ancestry.com/.
c) www.Ancestry.com launched AncestryPress, a tool that lets users create printed, custom family history books, family recipe books and more. Users can build their family tree online at www.Ancestry.com and create their AncestryPress family history book at http://www.ancestrypress.com.
d) The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN), contains information about almost 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States. The GNIS serves two purposes for genealogists. First, it gives precise locations of every village, mountain, river, airport, bay, beach, bridge, etc. in the United States. The information includes the exact latitude and longitude of each named feature. Second, it can help find locations mentioned in old documents. The Geographic Names Information System is available at: http://geonames.usgs.gov.
e) Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) announced a new Web site dedicated to genealogical research. Launched by BAnQ in partnership with Library and Archives Canada (LAC), www.thatsmyfamily.info, also available in French at www.voicimafamille.info, provides the public with a user-friendly and innovative federated search engine free of charge.
f) The Kansas Historical Society's newest online offering, Kansas Memory will feature the largest collection of photographs and manuscripts from Kansas history on the Internet, can be accessed at kansasmemory.org.
a) FamilySearch and the Georgia Archives announced that Georgia’s death index from 1919 to 1927 can be accessed for free online. The online index is linked to digital images of the original death certificates. The index and images can be searched and viewed at www.GeorgiaArchives.org (Virtual Vault link) or labs.familysearch.org.
b) The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) will open, for the first time, all of the individual Official Military Personnel Files (OMPFs) of Army, Army Air Corps, Army Air Forces, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard military personnel who served and were discharged, retired or died while in the service, prior to 1946. These files will cost $15 (5 pages or less) or $50 (6 pages or more). See http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/.
c) www.ancestry.com ($$) has added:
* Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases (1507-2000) from Historic Map works (www.HistoricMapWorks.com).
* Kentucky Vital Records and Indexes - Births, Marriages, Deaths (1852-1999), not all years for each type of record.
* "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire" by Walter Goodwin Davis.
* Many Maryland Genealogies, Marriage, Death and Newspaper Records.
d) www.WorldVitalRecords.com ($$) has new databases, including:
* 2500 ahnentafel pedigree charts that Heritage Quest Magazine subscribers filled out and returned nearly 20 years ago.
* Many family surname books - G and H surnames.
* See new databases at http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/recentcontentlisting.aspx. WVR offers free access for 10 days for each database.
e) www.GenealogyBank.com ($$) added records for 69 more historical newspapers.
a) FamilyTreeMaker 2008 announced and distributed Service Pack 2 which added more fixes to the software, including something like the standard report capability that was in FTM 2006 and earlier. There were bugs in the fixes, the reports were not well done, and the software was withdrawn. Don't buy this software until they get it well fixed.
b) FamilySearch announced that many popular desktop genealogy products can now be used for free in its family history centers in North America. The genealogy database programs include:
* Ancestral Quest 12 (By Incline Software)
* Roots Magic (formerly Family Origins, by RootsMagic, Inc.)
* Legacy Family Tree (By Milennia Corporation)
The Family History Software Utilities include:
* Personal Historian (RootsMagic, Inc.). Writes and preserves personal life stories.
* PAFWiz 2.0 (Incline Software). Add-on tools and report utility for PAF 5.2.
* PAF Insight (Ohana Software). Performs advanced functions for LDS patrons. Provides improved merging, place editing, and other data cleanup tools.
* PAF Companion 5.2 (Progeny Software). Add-on utility that prints a variety of quality charts and reports in different formats.
* Family Atlas (RootsMagic, Inc.). Creates and publishes custom maps directly from personal genealogy data.
* Pedigree Analysis (Generation Maps). Patrons can submit any genealogy computer file for a free pedigree analysis.
* Genelines (Progeny Software). Depicts an ancestor's life in the context of time by bringing together elements of time, history, and family relationships on visual time line charts.
* Map My Family Tree (Progeny Software). Automatically “geocodes” a family tree from any popular genealogy file format and illustrates where ancestors were born, were married, and died on a navigable geographic map. It also prints customized maps.
a) NARA and FamilySearch announced a partnership to digitize, index, and make available the Civil War Widows Pension files. They will start with a pilot project for 3,150 of the pension files. Upon successful completion of the pilot, FamilySearch, in conjunction with www.Footnote.com , intends to digitize and index all 1,280,000 Civil War and later widows' files in the series.
b) The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) will collaborate with Ancestry.com, making special pricing and other member benefits available. An Ancestry subscriber can join NEHGS for $60, and an NEHGS member can subscribe to Ancestry for $100. A subscription to both NEHGS and Ancestry will be $155.40 - the deal exists until 31 December 2007.
c) Spectrum Equity Investors bought a controlling interest in The Generations Network (Ancestry, MyFamily, FamilyTreeMaker, Genealogy.com) for $300 million. TGN management will remain the same, and SEI will have two Board positions.
d) FamilySearch is calling for 10,000 volunteers who can read both English and Spanish to help index Mexican, Argentine and other Latin American records for the Internet. It will be a massive effort to digitally preserve and index millions of Latin American records that are now difficult to access because they are located on microfilm or in an archive. The first target is the Mexican census of 1930.
That's the news!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
"Genealogy Online" Seminar a Big Success
The Chula Vista Genealogical Society seminar titled "Genealogy Online - Discover Your Family History" celebrated Family History Month and was a big success for our society. We had 62 attendees, of which about 25 were non-members. Five new members signed up during the program.
The seminar was held at the Civic Center Branch of the Chula Vista Public Library in the 150 seat auditorium, and was co-sponsored by the library, which created the publicity flyer.
Gary Brock was the Master of Ceremonies for the day, and handled the welcome, the speaker introduction, the announcements and the question and answer period with humor and aplomb.
There were four presentations during this seminar, which started at 10:30 AM and ended about 3:30 PM, with a lunch break. Randy Seaver, the CVGS President, presented:
* Internet Genealogy Survey - a review of what is available on the Internet, in terms of searchable record databases, user-contributed family tree databases, through data portals and commercial web sites, and finally by research topic.
* LDS FamilySearch Resources - a review and demonstration of the current LDS databases (IGI, AF, PRF), Family History Library Catalog and Research Outlines, followed by a description of the New FamilySearch features.
* Rootsweb and USGenWeb Resources -- a review and demonstration of databases, mailing lists, message boards, and web sites at Rootsweb, followed by a review and demonstration of USGenWeb and WorldGenWeb country, state and county resources.
* Ancestry.com Resources -- a review and demonstration of the databases, family trees, stories and publications and the other resources at Ancestry.com.
In the presentations, Randy showed screen shots of many of the web sites mentioned, and annotated many of the demonstration charts with comments. A 24 page syllabus was sold for $5 with all of the web site links covered in the presentations. We ran out of the syllabus because of the unexpected number of attendees.
It was a very full day for the attendees - with a lot of information imparted in a short period of time. There were several questions after each session, which Randy answered before the next session started. Many experienced researchers commented that they learned many new things from the seminar content. This seminar was FREE to attend, so people definitely got their money's worth!
Dearl set up all of the library audio-visual equipment so that we could use Gary's laptop and Shirley's projector for the presentations.
Virginia and Wanda manned the registration desk and sold the syllabus, while Martha sold the opportunity drawing tickets. There were two opportunity drawings for books - "The Official Guide to Rootsweb.com" and "The Official Guide to Ancestry.com."
Susi, Shirley and Susan put together a nice light lunch for everyone - breads, spreads, fruit, vegetables, berries, cookies and water. Most people took their plate out into the park next to the library and got some fresh air and sun, talking in small groups.
John Finch handled the Public Relations effort before the event, contacting news media (we had short articles in the San Diego and Chula Vista papers) and other San Diego societies, working with the library to create the publicity flyers, and then distributing the flyers to local libraries and senior centers.
Thank you to everyone who made this seminar a success for CVGS.
Did you miss the seminar? Do you want the syllabus for your own research? We are selling the syllabus for $5 each for the paper copy - and we will send you a PDF version via email attachment also if you buy the paper copy. An alternative is a CD-ROM with the syllabus as a PDF and a PDF of all four presentations (about 400 slides in all). To obtain the paper or email syllabus or the CD-ROM, please mail a check to Chula Vista Genealogical Society, PO Box 3024, Chula Vista CA 91909-3024, or order them from Virginia at a CVGS meeting.
We need a little time to make additional copies of the syllabus and to create the CD-ROM. They should be available in early November.
The seminar was held at the Civic Center Branch of the Chula Vista Public Library in the 150 seat auditorium, and was co-sponsored by the library, which created the publicity flyer.
Gary Brock was the Master of Ceremonies for the day, and handled the welcome, the speaker introduction, the announcements and the question and answer period with humor and aplomb.
There were four presentations during this seminar, which started at 10:30 AM and ended about 3:30 PM, with a lunch break. Randy Seaver, the CVGS President, presented:
* Internet Genealogy Survey - a review of what is available on the Internet, in terms of searchable record databases, user-contributed family tree databases, through data portals and commercial web sites, and finally by research topic.
* LDS FamilySearch Resources - a review and demonstration of the current LDS databases (IGI, AF, PRF), Family History Library Catalog and Research Outlines, followed by a description of the New FamilySearch features.
* Rootsweb and USGenWeb Resources -- a review and demonstration of databases, mailing lists, message boards, and web sites at Rootsweb, followed by a review and demonstration of USGenWeb and WorldGenWeb country, state and county resources.
* Ancestry.com Resources -- a review and demonstration of the databases, family trees, stories and publications and the other resources at Ancestry.com.
In the presentations, Randy showed screen shots of many of the web sites mentioned, and annotated many of the demonstration charts with comments. A 24 page syllabus was sold for $5 with all of the web site links covered in the presentations. We ran out of the syllabus because of the unexpected number of attendees.
It was a very full day for the attendees - with a lot of information imparted in a short period of time. There were several questions after each session, which Randy answered before the next session started. Many experienced researchers commented that they learned many new things from the seminar content. This seminar was FREE to attend, so people definitely got their money's worth!
Dearl set up all of the library audio-visual equipment so that we could use Gary's laptop and Shirley's projector for the presentations.
Virginia and Wanda manned the registration desk and sold the syllabus, while Martha sold the opportunity drawing tickets. There were two opportunity drawings for books - "The Official Guide to Rootsweb.com" and "The Official Guide to Ancestry.com."
Susi, Shirley and Susan put together a nice light lunch for everyone - breads, spreads, fruit, vegetables, berries, cookies and water. Most people took their plate out into the park next to the library and got some fresh air and sun, talking in small groups.
John Finch handled the Public Relations effort before the event, contacting news media (we had short articles in the San Diego and Chula Vista papers) and other San Diego societies, working with the library to create the publicity flyers, and then distributing the flyers to local libraries and senior centers.
Thank you to everyone who made this seminar a success for CVGS.
Did you miss the seminar? Do you want the syllabus for your own research? We are selling the syllabus for $5 each for the paper copy - and we will send you a PDF version via email attachment also if you buy the paper copy. An alternative is a CD-ROM with the syllabus as a PDF and a PDF of all four presentations (about 400 slides in all). To obtain the paper or email syllabus or the CD-ROM, please mail a check to Chula Vista Genealogical Society, PO Box 3024, Chula Vista CA 91909-3024, or order them from Virginia at a CVGS meeting.
We need a little time to make additional copies of the syllabus and to create the CD-ROM. They should be available in early November.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
"Genealogy Online" seminar on 10/20 -- Last Call!
Hey, San Diego genealogy buffs - are you busy this Saturday, October 20? If not, you could come to a FREE all-day seminar in Chula Vista
The Chula Vista Genealogical Society and the Chula Vista Public Library are co-sponsoring the seminar - titled "Genealogy Online - Discover Your Family History" -- on Saturday, 20 October 2007, from 10 AM until 3 PM at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library auditorium (365 "F" Street, Chula Vista CA).
Check-in will start at 10 AM and the program will start at 10:20 am. Four presentations will be made by Randy Seaver:
10:30 am: Internet Genealogy Survey
11:30 am: LDS FamilySearch Resources
1:00 pm: Rootsweb/USGenWeb Resources
2:00 pm: Ancestry.com Resources
The emphasis in these presentations will be on finding real genealogy data and information helpful to your search using online resources. A program syllabus summarizing the links in the program content will be available for $5.00.
There will be a 45 minute refreshment break with fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, cookies and desserts provided by CVGS.
Please contact Virginia (phone 619-425-7922 or email irishdoll@cox.net) to make your reservation or for more information.
Put this event on your genealogy calendar!
For more information about the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, please visit the CVGS web page at http://www.rootsweb.com/~cacvgs2/ and the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog at http://CVGenCafe.blogspot.com.
The Chula Vista Genealogical Society and the Chula Vista Public Library are co-sponsoring the seminar - titled "Genealogy Online - Discover Your Family History" -- on Saturday, 20 October 2007, from 10 AM until 3 PM at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library auditorium (365 "F" Street, Chula Vista CA).
Check-in will start at 10 AM and the program will start at 10:20 am. Four presentations will be made by Randy Seaver:
10:30 am: Internet Genealogy Survey
11:30 am: LDS FamilySearch Resources
1:00 pm: Rootsweb/USGenWeb Resources
2:00 pm: Ancestry.com Resources
The emphasis in these presentations will be on finding real genealogy data and information helpful to your search using online resources. A program syllabus summarizing the links in the program content will be available for $5.00.
There will be a 45 minute refreshment break with fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, cookies and desserts provided by CVGS.
Please contact Virginia (phone 619-425-7922 or email irishdoll@cox.net) to make your reservation or for more information.
Put this event on your genealogy calendar!
For more information about the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, please visit the CVGS web page at http://www.rootsweb.com/~cacvgs2/ and the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog at http://CVGenCafe.blogspot.com.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
CVGS Computer Group meeting today
We had our monthly Chula Vista Genealogical Society Computer Group today in the Computer Lab at the Library. Unfortunately, the library Online Databases were unavailable, so Shirley led us through a plethora of interesting genealogy resources, including:
* Black Sheep Ancestors -- www.blacksheepancestors.com/index.shtml Don’t overlook your ancestors that were not the best. They can be fun to find and add some zing to your family tree.
* Cemetery Records -- These sites contain mostly unique data:
** Find a Grave -- www.Findagrave.com
** Interment -- www.interment.net
* Irish Research -- These websites may help you to discover more about your Irish ancestry.
** Boston Pilot -- http://infowanted.bc.edu
** Griffiths Valuation 1848-1864 -- http://failteromhat.com/griffiths.php
** Fianna -- Http://rootsweb.com/~fianna/
* Free Public Records Online -- http://publicrecords.onlinesearches.com A stop where you can learn what is available for wherever you are researching.
* Linkpendium USA -- http://www.linkpendium.com/genealogy/USA . A straight forward list of available resources, organized by topic, all linked to the original source data.
* WorldCat/OCLC -- www.worldcat.org. You can search for books, CDs and videos
* Native American Research -- These two resources contain many key records.
** Access Genealogy -- www.accessgenealogy.com/native/
** National Archives (NARA) Archival Resource Catalog -- www.archives.gov/research/arc/topics/native-americans.html
* Passenger Lists -- It is important to remember that not everyone came through Ellis Island. There are surviving records from other ports also.
** Castle Gardens -- www.castlegardens.org
** Ancestors on Board $ -- www.ancestorsonboard.com
* Canadian Genealogy Centre -- www.collectionscanada.ca/genealogy/index-e.html An excellent starting place for researching your Canadian ancestors.
* Irish Immigrants -- These two collections may prove useful if you think you have Irish famine emigrants.
** New York Irish Famine Passenger Records -- http://aad.archives.gov/aas/fieldedsearch.jsp?dt=180&cat=all&bc=sl
** New Brunswick Irish Famine Migration 1845-1852 -- http://archives.gnb.ca/APPS/PrivRecs/irishfamine/?L=EN
* Old Newspapers -- These are just a sample of the archives available.
** London Times & Newspaper Archive $ -- www.godfrey.org
** Paper of Record -- www.paperofrecord.com/Default.asp
** Brooklyn Daily Eagle -- www.brooklynpubliclibrary.org/eagle/
* War Graves
** Commonwealth War Graves -- www.cwgc.org/debt_of_honour.asp? menuid=14
** U S Department of Veterans Affairs Gravesite Locator -- http://gravelocator.cem.va.gov/j2ee/servlet/NGL_v1
The first site lists the 1.7 million from the UK who died during the two world wars. The second site includes veterans and their families in Virginia National Cemeteries, state veteran cemeteries and those buried in other cemeteries.
* VitalRec.com -- www.vitalrec.com. This website explains how and where to find the record you searching for.
* Quakers -- These two resources will aid you in your search of a Quaker heritage.** Quaker Corner -- www.rootsweb.com/~quakers** Quaker Meetings -- www.quakermeetings.com
* African-American Ancestry -- These sites provide access to data unique to African-Americans.
** Afrigeneas -- www.afrigeneas.com
** Freedman’s Bureau -- www.freedmensbureau.com
** Research Guide -- www.familysearch.org/Eng/default.asp?page=home/welcome/site_resources.asp
** African-American Cemeteries -- http://africaamericancemeteries.com Has links all over the internet, regardless of where the source material is stored.
* Mexican Research -- These are resource sites for research in Mexico:
** http://members.tripod.com/~GaryFelix/index1.htm
** http://genealogy.about.com/od/mexico/
We had 12 attendees today to go through most of these sites, and several people found new information about their ancestors or relatives during the two hours.
* Black Sheep Ancestors -- www.blacksheepancestors.com/index.shtml Don’t overlook your ancestors that were not the best. They can be fun to find and add some zing to your family tree.
* Cemetery Records -- These sites contain mostly unique data:
** Find a Grave -- www.Findagrave.com
** Interment -- www.interment.net
* Irish Research -- These websites may help you to discover more about your Irish ancestry.
** Boston Pilot -- http://infowanted.bc.edu
** Griffiths Valuation 1848-1864 -- http://failteromhat.com/griffiths.php
** Fianna -- Http://rootsweb.com/~fianna/
* Free Public Records Online -- http://publicrecords.onlinesearches.com A stop where you can learn what is available for wherever you are researching.
* Linkpendium USA -- http://www.linkpendium.com/genealogy/USA . A straight forward list of available resources, organized by topic, all linked to the original source data.
* WorldCat/OCLC -- www.worldcat.org. You can search for books, CDs and videos
* Native American Research -- These two resources contain many key records.
** Access Genealogy -- www.accessgenealogy.com/native/
** National Archives (NARA) Archival Resource Catalog -- www.archives.gov/research/arc/topics/native-americans.html
* Passenger Lists -- It is important to remember that not everyone came through Ellis Island. There are surviving records from other ports also.
** Castle Gardens -- www.castlegardens.org
** Ancestors on Board $ -- www.ancestorsonboard.com
* Canadian Genealogy Centre -- www.collectionscanada.ca/genealogy/index-e.html An excellent starting place for researching your Canadian ancestors.
* Irish Immigrants -- These two collections may prove useful if you think you have Irish famine emigrants.
** New York Irish Famine Passenger Records -- http://aad.archives.gov/aas/fieldedsearch.jsp?dt=180&cat=all&bc=sl
** New Brunswick Irish Famine Migration 1845-1852 -- http://archives.gnb.ca/APPS/PrivRecs/irishfamine/?L=EN
* Old Newspapers -- These are just a sample of the archives available.
** London Times & Newspaper Archive $ -- www.godfrey.org
** Paper of Record -- www.paperofrecord.com/Default.asp
** Brooklyn Daily Eagle -- www.brooklynpubliclibrary.org/eagle/
* War Graves
** Commonwealth War Graves -- www.cwgc.org/debt_of_honour.asp? menuid=14
** U S Department of Veterans Affairs Gravesite Locator -- http://gravelocator.cem.va.gov/j2ee/servlet/NGL_v1
The first site lists the 1.7 million from the UK who died during the two world wars. The second site includes veterans and their families in Virginia National Cemeteries, state veteran cemeteries and those buried in other cemeteries.
* VitalRec.com -- www.vitalrec.com. This website explains how and where to find the record you searching for.
* Quakers -- These two resources will aid you in your search of a Quaker heritage.** Quaker Corner -- www.rootsweb.com/~quakers** Quaker Meetings -- www.quakermeetings.com
* African-American Ancestry -- These sites provide access to data unique to African-Americans.
** Afrigeneas -- www.afrigeneas.com
** Freedman’s Bureau -- www.freedmensbureau.com
** Research Guide -- www.familysearch.org/Eng/default.asp?page=home/welcome/site_resources.asp
** African-American Cemeteries -- http://africaamericancemeteries.com Has links all over the internet, regardless of where the source material is stored.
* Mexican Research -- These are resource sites for research in Mexico:
** http://members.tripod.com/~GaryFelix/index1.htm
** http://genealogy.about.com/od/mexico/
We had 12 attendees today to go through most of these sites, and several people found new information about their ancestors or relatives during the two hours.
Computer Group,
Online Resources,
Research Tips
Monday, October 15, 2007
"Family, Friends and Homes" - TofC - Part 3
One of the major "family history" books for Chula Vista is this one - I'm posting the Table of Contents so that it is online and available for searchers to find. I can copy articles from the book at the Chula Vista Public Library. Please email me at rjseaver(at)cox.net if you want this service performed. The book is on the shelf in the Family History area of the Civic Center Branch of the Chula Vista Public Library.
“Family, Friends and Homes,” published by the Chula Vista Historical Society, Tecolote Publications, San Diego, California, © 1991,
The Roseman Family – page 325
The Sampsel Family – page 327
Schahn and Schertzer Families – page 328
The Schmedding Saga – page 330
The Schmidt Family – page 333
Charles J. Scott – page 335
Ralph M. Sexauer – page 336
Shaw-Tureman Family – page 337
The Shelton Family – page 338
Chester G. and Evaline Eulitt Simmons – page 340
George W. and Charlotte Simmons – page 342
The Sloan Family – page 343
Smith – Dantz Family – page 345
Bernard Herbert Finis Smith Family – page 346
Joseph Henry and Marie Smith – page 349
David Arthur “Art” Spencer – page 350
Starkey Family – page 353
Kenneth Eugene Stephens Family – page 356
Emily Kelly Switters – page 357
Viola Alice (Burgess) Johnson Uland – page 358
Valpreda – Brusso Family – page 360
The Van Orshoven Family – page 364
The Viesca Family – page 365
Martin Luther Ward – page 368
Mary A. Ward, Speech to Wednesday Club, 1951 – page 372
Jacqueline and Peter Waterworth – page 379
The James Wavrin Family – page 380
The Joseph Wavrin Family – page 382
Mary Donovan Welch – page 384
Harry and Lois Wicks – page 388
DeWitt N. Williams – page 388
Mathilde E. Williams – page 390
James H. Williams – page 392
Nathan D. Williams – page 393
The Wilson Family – page 395
Margaret Standish Woodhouse – page 399
Ecmond Francis Woods and Lovliss Boman Woods – page 412
The Glenn Woodworth Family – page 412
The Wright Family – page 414
Cary and Mary Frances Wright – page 416
George and Barbara Wright – page 419
The Origin of Nestor: Tale of Nestor Young – page 419
The Zumwalt Family – page 420
The Life of Frances A. (Mavin) (Duvall) Zumwalt – page 421
Greg Rogers House, 699 E Street – page 427
Bulmer House, 3 North Second Avenue – page 428
Cordrey House, 210 Davidson Street – page 429
Our House, 666 Third Avenue – page 430
First Congregational Church, 276 F Street – page 431
James Johnson House, 525 F Street – page 432
El Nido, 669 Del Mar Avenue – page 433
Seaman Haines House, 671 Fourth Avenue – page 434
Augusta Starkey House, 21 F Street –m page 435
Byron Bronson House, 613 Second Avenue – page 436
Carriage House: 613 Second Avenue – page 437
Engebretson – Stafford House, 640 Fifth Avenue – page 438
Chula Vista Woman’s Club, 357 G Street – page 439
Clara Smith House, Four Seasons Day Care Center, 264 I Street – page 440
Frances Fisher House, 617 Del Mar Avenue – page 441
George Rife House, 630 Del Mar Avenue – page 442
Herbert Bryant House, 30 F Street – page 443
Herman Hotel Carriage House, 50 F Street – page 444
W.J.S. Browne House – page 445
San Diego Country Club, 88 L Street – page 446
Hazel Goes Cook House, 62 Cook Court – page 447
Theodore Thurston House, 89 Country Club Drive – page 448
Dupree – Gould House, 344 Hilltop Drive – page 449
L.G. Spring House, 170 Cypress Street – page 450
Carl Boltz House, 34 Davidson Street – page 451
Leo Christy House, 124 Hilltop Drive – page 452
Albert Barber House, 151 Landis Street – page 453
Nancy Jobes House, 209 D Street – page 454
Kindergarten Building, 503 G Street – page 455
San Diego County Insectary, 511 G Street –page 456
Edward Gillette House, 44 North Second Avenue – page 457
Melville Block, 301-305 Third Avenue – page 458
Elmer Mikkelson House, 410 Church Street – page 459
Mary Miller House, 665 Del Mar Avenue – page 460
Mark Skinner House, 374 Roosevelt Street – page 461
Mrs. B.K. Maude House, 155 G Street – page 462
Robert Mueller House, 33 I Street – page 463
Evelyn Haines House, 379 J Street – page 464
William Sallmon House, 435 First Avenue – page 465
Allison Crockett House, 320 Second Avenue – page 466
Lucious Wright House, 10 Second Avenue – page 467
Nadine Davies House, 614 Second Avenue – page 468
Garrettson – Frank House, 642 Second Avenue – page 469
Jennie MacDonald House, 644 Second Avenue – page 470
Greg Rogers House, 616 Second Avenue – page 471
The Dickinson – Boal House – page 472
1. Fuson’s Garage, 1922-1986
2. Bonita Business and Professional Association – page 477
3. Sweetwater Valley Fire Protection – page 480
4. The Chula Vista Art Guild, Incorporated – page 484
5. Chula Vista Garden Club – page 486
6. Chula Vista Masonic Lodge No. 626 F. & A.M. – page 488
7. Chula Vista Woman’s Club – page 489
8. Sweetwater Woman’s Club – page 491
9. Fredericka Manor – page 493
10. Christian Science Church – page 495
11. Community Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Chula Vista, California – page 496
12. Friends Church of the Valley – page 499
13. Nestor Methodist Church – page 501
14. The Otay Baptist Church – page 502
15. Nelson & Sloan – page 504
16. South Bay Airfields Since 1883 – page 506
17. The Peters Feed Store – page 510
18. The Salt Railroad – page 512
19. Veterans Memorial Monument – page 516
20. Zontek’s CafĂ© – page 518
21. U.S. Post Office, Chula Vista – page 519
1. Art Day (September 27, 1925 - ) – page 525
2. Robert R. Duff (September 10, 1928 – December 21, 1984) – page 526
3. Captain Gary M. Ewing, U.S. Army (June 6, 1937-August 5, 1974) – page 527
4. Amos P. Gallupe, Jr. (1917 – 1988) – page 528
5. Hugh (Eulogio) Smith and Beatrice Victoria Peralta, married April 12, 1902 – page 529
6. Hancil and Ruth Cordrey – page 530
7. John and Vera Rojas, Josefina Patino – page 531
8. Luise Gates Daley (1908-1971), Robin Adair Daley (1903-1978) – page 532
9. Chester (Chet) Simmons (May 22 1916 – April 21, 1985) – page 533
10. Art Spencer (1892-1985), Nora Perman Spears (19-3 - ) – page 534
11. Beverly Grace Spencer (7 March 1941 – 26 Nov. 1983), Thomas A. Spencer, Major, U.S. Army, Ret. – page 535
12. Harry E. Fuller (1901-1989) – page 536
13. Frances Shimp Tidwell – page 537
“Family, Friends and Homes,” published by the Chula Vista Historical Society, Tecolote Publications, San Diego, California, © 1991,
The Roseman Family – page 325
The Sampsel Family – page 327
Schahn and Schertzer Families – page 328
The Schmedding Saga – page 330
The Schmidt Family – page 333
Charles J. Scott – page 335
Ralph M. Sexauer – page 336
Shaw-Tureman Family – page 337
The Shelton Family – page 338
Chester G. and Evaline Eulitt Simmons – page 340
George W. and Charlotte Simmons – page 342
The Sloan Family – page 343
Smith – Dantz Family – page 345
Bernard Herbert Finis Smith Family – page 346
Joseph Henry and Marie Smith – page 349
David Arthur “Art” Spencer – page 350
Starkey Family – page 353
Kenneth Eugene Stephens Family – page 356
Emily Kelly Switters – page 357
Viola Alice (Burgess) Johnson Uland – page 358
Valpreda – Brusso Family – page 360
The Van Orshoven Family – page 364
The Viesca Family – page 365
Martin Luther Ward – page 368
Mary A. Ward, Speech to Wednesday Club, 1951 – page 372
Jacqueline and Peter Waterworth – page 379
The James Wavrin Family – page 380
The Joseph Wavrin Family – page 382
Mary Donovan Welch – page 384
Harry and Lois Wicks – page 388
DeWitt N. Williams – page 388
Mathilde E. Williams – page 390
James H. Williams – page 392
Nathan D. Williams – page 393
The Wilson Family – page 395
Margaret Standish Woodhouse – page 399
Ecmond Francis Woods and Lovliss Boman Woods – page 412
The Glenn Woodworth Family – page 412
The Wright Family – page 414
Cary and Mary Frances Wright – page 416
George and Barbara Wright – page 419
The Origin of Nestor: Tale of Nestor Young – page 419
The Zumwalt Family – page 420
The Life of Frances A. (Mavin) (Duvall) Zumwalt – page 421
Greg Rogers House, 699 E Street – page 427
Bulmer House, 3 North Second Avenue – page 428
Cordrey House, 210 Davidson Street – page 429
Our House, 666 Third Avenue – page 430
First Congregational Church, 276 F Street – page 431
James Johnson House, 525 F Street – page 432
El Nido, 669 Del Mar Avenue – page 433
Seaman Haines House, 671 Fourth Avenue – page 434
Augusta Starkey House, 21 F Street –m page 435
Byron Bronson House, 613 Second Avenue – page 436
Carriage House: 613 Second Avenue – page 437
Engebretson – Stafford House, 640 Fifth Avenue – page 438
Chula Vista Woman’s Club, 357 G Street – page 439
Clara Smith House, Four Seasons Day Care Center, 264 I Street – page 440
Frances Fisher House, 617 Del Mar Avenue – page 441
George Rife House, 630 Del Mar Avenue – page 442
Herbert Bryant House, 30 F Street – page 443
Herman Hotel Carriage House, 50 F Street – page 444
W.J.S. Browne House – page 445
San Diego Country Club, 88 L Street – page 446
Hazel Goes Cook House, 62 Cook Court – page 447
Theodore Thurston House, 89 Country Club Drive – page 448
Dupree – Gould House, 344 Hilltop Drive – page 449
L.G. Spring House, 170 Cypress Street – page 450
Carl Boltz House, 34 Davidson Street – page 451
Leo Christy House, 124 Hilltop Drive – page 452
Albert Barber House, 151 Landis Street – page 453
Nancy Jobes House, 209 D Street – page 454
Kindergarten Building, 503 G Street – page 455
San Diego County Insectary, 511 G Street –page 456
Edward Gillette House, 44 North Second Avenue – page 457
Melville Block, 301-305 Third Avenue – page 458
Elmer Mikkelson House, 410 Church Street – page 459
Mary Miller House, 665 Del Mar Avenue – page 460
Mark Skinner House, 374 Roosevelt Street – page 461
Mrs. B.K. Maude House, 155 G Street – page 462
Robert Mueller House, 33 I Street – page 463
Evelyn Haines House, 379 J Street – page 464
William Sallmon House, 435 First Avenue – page 465
Allison Crockett House, 320 Second Avenue – page 466
Lucious Wright House, 10 Second Avenue – page 467
Nadine Davies House, 614 Second Avenue – page 468
Garrettson – Frank House, 642 Second Avenue – page 469
Jennie MacDonald House, 644 Second Avenue – page 470
Greg Rogers House, 616 Second Avenue – page 471
The Dickinson – Boal House – page 472
1. Fuson’s Garage, 1922-1986
2. Bonita Business and Professional Association – page 477
3. Sweetwater Valley Fire Protection – page 480
4. The Chula Vista Art Guild, Incorporated – page 484
5. Chula Vista Garden Club – page 486
6. Chula Vista Masonic Lodge No. 626 F. & A.M. – page 488
7. Chula Vista Woman’s Club – page 489
8. Sweetwater Woman’s Club – page 491
9. Fredericka Manor – page 493
10. Christian Science Church – page 495
11. Community Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Chula Vista, California – page 496
12. Friends Church of the Valley – page 499
13. Nestor Methodist Church – page 501
14. The Otay Baptist Church – page 502
15. Nelson & Sloan – page 504
16. South Bay Airfields Since 1883 – page 506
17. The Peters Feed Store – page 510
18. The Salt Railroad – page 512
19. Veterans Memorial Monument – page 516
20. Zontek’s CafĂ© – page 518
21. U.S. Post Office, Chula Vista – page 519
1. Art Day (September 27, 1925 - ) – page 525
2. Robert R. Duff (September 10, 1928 – December 21, 1984) – page 526
3. Captain Gary M. Ewing, U.S. Army (June 6, 1937-August 5, 1974) – page 527
4. Amos P. Gallupe, Jr. (1917 – 1988) – page 528
5. Hugh (Eulogio) Smith and Beatrice Victoria Peralta, married April 12, 1902 – page 529
6. Hancil and Ruth Cordrey – page 530
7. John and Vera Rojas, Josefina Patino – page 531
8. Luise Gates Daley (1908-1971), Robin Adair Daley (1903-1978) – page 532
9. Chester (Chet) Simmons (May 22 1916 – April 21, 1985) – page 533
10. Art Spencer (1892-1985), Nora Perman Spears (19-3 - ) – page 534
11. Beverly Grace Spencer (7 March 1941 – 26 Nov. 1983), Thomas A. Spencer, Major, U.S. Army, Ret. – page 535
12. Harry E. Fuller (1901-1989) – page 536
13. Frances Shimp Tidwell – page 537
"Family, Friends and Homes" - TofC - Part 2
One of the major "family history" books for Chula Vista is this one - I'm posting the Table of Contents so that it is online and available for searchers to find. I can copy articles from the book at the Chula Vista Public Library. Please email me at rjseaver(at)cox.net if you want this service performed. The book is on the shelf in the Family History area of the Civic Center Branch of the Chula Vista Public Library.
“Family, Friends and Homes,” published by the Chula Vista Historical Society, Tecolote Publications, San Diego, California, © 1991,
DeWitt A. Higgs – page 142
Charla Richarde Hirst Borich – page 143
Barbara Jill Hirst – page 146
Walter Rory Hirst – page 148
Connie Lynn Hirst Adams – page 151
Charles Richard Hirst and Jacqueline Henninger Hirst – page 153
Amber Nicole Hopkins – page 159
Host and Dawson Family – page 160
The Howe Family – page 160
Florence Downs Ikard Family – page 162
Charles Carey Inskeep – page 164
Flora Downs Jennings, First Ballerina of San Diego – page 165
The James Madison Johnson Story – page 167
Raymond L. Jones Family – page 168
The Vernon L. Jumper Family – page 171
Children of Vernon and Rebecca Jumper – page 173
Merrill Elmer Kelly – page 173
Bert Kelsey – page 175
Howard and Opal Kersey Family – page 177
The Ira Kester Family – page 179
Elmer Kight – page 181
George M. Kimball – page 181
Children of George M. Kimball and Rosella Johnson – page 183
Kimball – Dugger Family – page 183
The King Family of Chula Vista – page 184
Claude and Clella Kuebler – page 186
The Ladroot Family – page 187
Walter C. Lamb – page 189
Alfred (Alf) Lansley – page 190
Jack Vincent La Porte – page 195
Lassman Family – page 196
Meneva Latham – page 197
James Fergus and Pauline Faulkner Lathers – page 198
Conrad and Mary Laubmayer – page 200
Lawhead – Smith – page 201
Robert Leuck Family – page 201
Harold and Helen Lindemood – page 204
George Requa Lockwood – page 204
Johnson - Waldrip – Prather – Lohman – page 206
Lovejoy and Dean Families – page 208
Adolfo R. Lugo – page 211
Bessie Lyster – page 212
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Machado – page 213
Frederick and Olive Markley – page 213
The McCall Family – page 214
Theresa Martha Cox McCan – page 217
The McCandliss Family – page 218
The McClendon Clan – page 220
Harry and Ada McCrea – page 222
Lee and Norma McCumber – page 224
Robert McQuattie Family – page 226
Edward and Lucy Melville – page 228
William and Margaret Menzel Family – page 228
Elmer “Fuzzy” Mikkelson – page 229
Henry, Thomas and Samuel Edsall Miner – page 230
Ricardo Edsall Miner – page 230
George Edsall Miner – page 230
The Moeser Family – page 232
George Emsley Moorhouse (Morehouse) – page 234
The Adam Morgan Family – page 234
John Edgar Morgan (1890-1938) and Zettie Lindley Byers (1892-1959) – page 235
The Leonard Morgan Family – page 236
The Doctor J. Frank Morrill Family – page 239
Mary “Maisie” Campbell Murphy – page 241
The Nader Family – page 243
Alvin A. and Mary E. Nelson – page 244
The Chester Norman Family – page 246
The Norman Children, Growing up in Chula Vista in the Thirties and forties – page 248
Warren Harry Oakland – page 250
Bessie Leona Otis – page 255
Palumbo-Garfield Family – page 256
Garfield-Payton Family – page 257
Payton-Phillipps Family – page 259
James Luther Patterson Family – page 260
The Pauter Family – page 262
Zula Mae Breland Pena – page 267
Raymond Stevens Penwarden, D.D.S. – page 275
Joseph Henrix Perman – page 277
W.H. Peters Family – page 279
Elizabeth Margaret Davidson Phelps and Frederick Gould Phelps – page 280
Hulcy Phelps – page 281
Irene Pierce Harville – page 282
The Lee Frost Pierce Family – page 286
Estella May Pierce nee Pence – page 288
Jeanette Pierce Moore nee Jeanette Cecilia Mix – page 289
Marlene Gael Pierce – page 291
The Frederick E. Pinkham and Louis C. Pinkham Families – page 293
The Poggi Family – page 299
The Wayne Russell Potteron Family – page 300
Stancel and Sue Reno – page 302w
Cecil Carl Reynolds Family – page 302
Armistice Stowell Rhodes, November 11, 1919 – December 5, 1982 – page 304
Lilian Rice – page 304
The Rienstra Family – page 306
The Charley Roberts Family – page 311
Robertson-Brewer Family – page 313
Greg Rogers – page 315
The Patino Family – page 318
Guillermo Patino Aguilar Rojas – page 320
The John Rojas, Jr. Family – page 322
“Family, Friends and Homes,” published by the Chula Vista Historical Society, Tecolote Publications, San Diego, California, © 1991,
DeWitt A. Higgs – page 142
Charla Richarde Hirst Borich – page 143
Barbara Jill Hirst – page 146
Walter Rory Hirst – page 148
Connie Lynn Hirst Adams – page 151
Charles Richard Hirst and Jacqueline Henninger Hirst – page 153
Amber Nicole Hopkins – page 159
Host and Dawson Family – page 160
The Howe Family – page 160
Florence Downs Ikard Family – page 162
Charles Carey Inskeep – page 164
Flora Downs Jennings, First Ballerina of San Diego – page 165
The James Madison Johnson Story – page 167
Raymond L. Jones Family – page 168
The Vernon L. Jumper Family – page 171
Children of Vernon and Rebecca Jumper – page 173
Merrill Elmer Kelly – page 173
Bert Kelsey – page 175
Howard and Opal Kersey Family – page 177
The Ira Kester Family – page 179
Elmer Kight – page 181
George M. Kimball – page 181
Children of George M. Kimball and Rosella Johnson – page 183
Kimball – Dugger Family – page 183
The King Family of Chula Vista – page 184
Claude and Clella Kuebler – page 186
The Ladroot Family – page 187
Walter C. Lamb – page 189
Alfred (Alf) Lansley – page 190
Jack Vincent La Porte – page 195
Lassman Family – page 196
Meneva Latham – page 197
James Fergus and Pauline Faulkner Lathers – page 198
Conrad and Mary Laubmayer – page 200
Lawhead – Smith – page 201
Robert Leuck Family – page 201
Harold and Helen Lindemood – page 204
George Requa Lockwood – page 204
Johnson - Waldrip – Prather – Lohman – page 206
Lovejoy and Dean Families – page 208
Adolfo R. Lugo – page 211
Bessie Lyster – page 212
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Machado – page 213
Frederick and Olive Markley – page 213
The McCall Family – page 214
Theresa Martha Cox McCan – page 217
The McCandliss Family – page 218
The McClendon Clan – page 220
Harry and Ada McCrea – page 222
Lee and Norma McCumber – page 224
Robert McQuattie Family – page 226
Edward and Lucy Melville – page 228
William and Margaret Menzel Family – page 228
Elmer “Fuzzy” Mikkelson – page 229
Henry, Thomas and Samuel Edsall Miner – page 230
Ricardo Edsall Miner – page 230
George Edsall Miner – page 230
The Moeser Family – page 232
George Emsley Moorhouse (Morehouse) – page 234
The Adam Morgan Family – page 234
John Edgar Morgan (1890-1938) and Zettie Lindley Byers (1892-1959) – page 235
The Leonard Morgan Family – page 236
The Doctor J. Frank Morrill Family – page 239
Mary “Maisie” Campbell Murphy – page 241
The Nader Family – page 243
Alvin A. and Mary E. Nelson – page 244
The Chester Norman Family – page 246
The Norman Children, Growing up in Chula Vista in the Thirties and forties – page 248
Warren Harry Oakland – page 250
Bessie Leona Otis – page 255
Palumbo-Garfield Family – page 256
Garfield-Payton Family – page 257
Payton-Phillipps Family – page 259
James Luther Patterson Family – page 260
The Pauter Family – page 262
Zula Mae Breland Pena – page 267
Raymond Stevens Penwarden, D.D.S. – page 275
Joseph Henrix Perman – page 277
W.H. Peters Family – page 279
Elizabeth Margaret Davidson Phelps and Frederick Gould Phelps – page 280
Hulcy Phelps – page 281
Irene Pierce Harville – page 282
The Lee Frost Pierce Family – page 286
Estella May Pierce nee Pence – page 288
Jeanette Pierce Moore nee Jeanette Cecilia Mix – page 289
Marlene Gael Pierce – page 291
The Frederick E. Pinkham and Louis C. Pinkham Families – page 293
The Poggi Family – page 299
The Wayne Russell Potteron Family – page 300
Stancel and Sue Reno – page 302w
Cecil Carl Reynolds Family – page 302
Armistice Stowell Rhodes, November 11, 1919 – December 5, 1982 – page 304
Lilian Rice – page 304
The Rienstra Family – page 306
The Charley Roberts Family – page 311
Robertson-Brewer Family – page 313
Greg Rogers – page 315
The Patino Family – page 318
Guillermo Patino Aguilar Rojas – page 320
The John Rojas, Jr. Family – page 322
"Family, Friends and Homes" - TofC - Part 1
One of the major "family history" books for Chula Vista is this one - I'm posting the Table of contents so that it is online and available for searchers to find. I can copy articles from the book at the Chula Vista Public Library. Please email me at rjseaver(at)cox.net if you want this service performed. The book is on the shelf in the Family History area of the Civic Center Branch of the Chula Vista Public Library.
“Family, Friends and Homes,” published by the Chula Vista Historical Society, Tecolote Publications, San Diego, California, © 1991,
La Punta Adobe – page 3
Russell C. Allen – page 5
Anita Brown Amos – page 6
Doris Eddy Anderson – page 10
James MacDonald Ater – page 11
Charles Henry and Hattie Amelia (Randall) Austin – page 12
Clarence E. and Ella (Freeman) Austin – page 14
The Banks Family – page 16
The George R. Bergen House – page 24
The House Next Door – page 25
Bernard “Bernie” Bernes – page 26
John E. Boal – page 27
Pearl Perman Boone – page 28
Claude V. Brown – page 29
Commander Stuart Melville Brown – page 30
The Edward M. Burnell Family – page 31
Hugh Burns – page 33
The James Byers Family – page 34
Judge Murray M. Campbell & Effie Herring Campbell – page 36
The Raymond Campbell Family – page 37
The Carne Family – page 39
The Chapman Family – page 41
Ruth Esther Williams Collins – page 42
Lois Pearl Cook & Arthur William Miller – page 44
William Howard Copp – page 45
Cordrey Family History – page 47
Earl Carleton Cowherd Family – page 49
Robert Melvin Cowherd Family – page 51
George Barter Cox and Frances Garrett Cox—page 53
The Crowther Family – page 59
The Daley Family – page 60
The Dale and Gavin Families – page 64
Robert Levi Dantz, Jr. Family – page 66
J.C. Davidson – page 67
Dorothy Pierce Gallup Davies 1905-1988 – page 68
Thomas Joseph Davies – page 70
Thomas Warren Davies – page 72
Dawson – Hart Family – page 73
Arthur Benson Day – page 74
The Day – Rogers Family – page 75
The Deddeh Family – page 77
Chester and Helen DeVore – page 78
Colonel William Green Dickinson – page 80
The Perry Dillane Family – page 81
Richard J. Donovan – page 82
Lawrence Herbert Downs August 22, 1899 – March 25, 1983 – page 85
Ray Whitman Downs, May 9, 1893 – January 1, 1983 – page 86
The Downs – Mahon Family – page 87
Wedworth W. Downs – page 89
Dugger – Robohm Family – page 89
James R. Dunne – page 90
Estavan Etchenique – page 90
Lafayette “Lafe” and Mary A. Greife Eulitt – page 92
Vern Frank Farrah, Sr. – page 92
Myrtle Smedley Finney, 1896-1945 – page 94
The Elmer Elsworth Flanders Family – page 97
The Johnson – Flanders Story – page 98
Esther Christine Johnson Floodberg, September 2, 1894 – October 27, 1983 – page 101
The Frank Family – page 101
The Frazier Family – page 104
Charles Edgar Fuson, Sr. – page 105
Charles Edgar Fuson, Jr. and Shirley Magnes Fuson – page 106
William Wexel and Marjorie Miner Fuson – page 107
Robert W. Fuson - Mary M. Limbach Fuson – page 108
Galligan Family History – page 109
Captain John Gallop, Master Mariner and Indian Trader – page 110
Amos P. and Lula Gallupe – page 110
Henry Clay George – page 113
Helen Gohres – page 113
The Golder Family – page 114
John Henry and Elizabeth Greife – page 115
Carl Frederick Greywacz / Dorothy June Kelly – page 116
John Grothe – page 116
The Robert W. Grutzmacher Family – page 117
The Wayne Grutzmacher Family – page 118
The Gyde Family – page 120
Harriette (Luton) Hager – page 122
Wilhelm Hahn – page 122
Carrie Haines – page 123
Harry Hannah, San Ysidro Immigration – page 124
The Frank Hardina Family – page 127
John and Charlotte Harvey – page 128
Dewey and Myrtle Hayden – page 128
William and Anne Hedenkamp – page 130
Karl and Fern (Connell) Helm – page 132
The Claude Frederick Henninger Family – page 134
Bruce and Marie Herms – page 135
Charlie and Alice Herms – page 139
Henry M. Higgins – page 140
The Higgs Brothers – page 142
“Family, Friends and Homes,” published by the Chula Vista Historical Society, Tecolote Publications, San Diego, California, © 1991,
La Punta Adobe – page 3
Russell C. Allen – page 5
Anita Brown Amos – page 6
Doris Eddy Anderson – page 10
James MacDonald Ater – page 11
Charles Henry and Hattie Amelia (Randall) Austin – page 12
Clarence E. and Ella (Freeman) Austin – page 14
The Banks Family – page 16
The George R. Bergen House – page 24
The House Next Door – page 25
Bernard “Bernie” Bernes – page 26
John E. Boal – page 27
Pearl Perman Boone – page 28
Claude V. Brown – page 29
Commander Stuart Melville Brown – page 30
The Edward M. Burnell Family – page 31
Hugh Burns – page 33
The James Byers Family – page 34
Judge Murray M. Campbell & Effie Herring Campbell – page 36
The Raymond Campbell Family – page 37
The Carne Family – page 39
The Chapman Family – page 41
Ruth Esther Williams Collins – page 42
Lois Pearl Cook & Arthur William Miller – page 44
William Howard Copp – page 45
Cordrey Family History – page 47
Earl Carleton Cowherd Family – page 49
Robert Melvin Cowherd Family – page 51
George Barter Cox and Frances Garrett Cox—page 53
The Crowther Family – page 59
The Daley Family – page 60
The Dale and Gavin Families – page 64
Robert Levi Dantz, Jr. Family – page 66
J.C. Davidson – page 67
Dorothy Pierce Gallup Davies 1905-1988 – page 68
Thomas Joseph Davies – page 70
Thomas Warren Davies – page 72
Dawson – Hart Family – page 73
Arthur Benson Day – page 74
The Day – Rogers Family – page 75
The Deddeh Family – page 77
Chester and Helen DeVore – page 78
Colonel William Green Dickinson – page 80
The Perry Dillane Family – page 81
Richard J. Donovan – page 82
Lawrence Herbert Downs August 22, 1899 – March 25, 1983 – page 85
Ray Whitman Downs, May 9, 1893 – January 1, 1983 – page 86
The Downs – Mahon Family – page 87
Wedworth W. Downs – page 89
Dugger – Robohm Family – page 89
James R. Dunne – page 90
Estavan Etchenique – page 90
Lafayette “Lafe” and Mary A. Greife Eulitt – page 92
Vern Frank Farrah, Sr. – page 92
Myrtle Smedley Finney, 1896-1945 – page 94
The Elmer Elsworth Flanders Family – page 97
The Johnson – Flanders Story – page 98
Esther Christine Johnson Floodberg, September 2, 1894 – October 27, 1983 – page 101
The Frank Family – page 101
The Frazier Family – page 104
Charles Edgar Fuson, Sr. – page 105
Charles Edgar Fuson, Jr. and Shirley Magnes Fuson – page 106
William Wexel and Marjorie Miner Fuson – page 107
Robert W. Fuson - Mary M. Limbach Fuson – page 108
Galligan Family History – page 109
Captain John Gallop, Master Mariner and Indian Trader – page 110
Amos P. and Lula Gallupe – page 110
Henry Clay George – page 113
Helen Gohres – page 113
The Golder Family – page 114
John Henry and Elizabeth Greife – page 115
Carl Frederick Greywacz / Dorothy June Kelly – page 116
John Grothe – page 116
The Robert W. Grutzmacher Family – page 117
The Wayne Grutzmacher Family – page 118
The Gyde Family – page 120
Harriette (Luton) Hager – page 122
Wilhelm Hahn – page 122
Carrie Haines – page 123
Harry Hannah, San Ysidro Immigration – page 124
The Frank Hardina Family – page 127
John and Charlotte Harvey – page 128
Dewey and Myrtle Hayden – page 128
William and Anne Hedenkamp – page 130
Karl and Fern (Connell) Helm – page 132
The Claude Frederick Henninger Family – page 134
Bruce and Marie Herms – page 135
Charlie and Alice Herms – page 139
Henry M. Higgins – page 140
The Higgs Brothers – page 142
Thursday, October 11, 2007
SUV CW Grave Registration Web Site
The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War have a grave registration database at http://www.suvcwdb.org/home/. You can input a surname and given name into a search box (there are more boxes for birth date, death date, unit, cemetery, city, county, state, etc.) and determine if a soldier is in their database.
Since I am collecting "all" Seaver surname records, I input only "Seaver" in the surname box and got 43 hits. The results box shows only the soldier's name, the state they served, the branch of the service, and the cemetery location. When you click on the soldier's name, then a separate window opens and there may be information for:
* Soldier's name
* Birth date
* Death date
* Union or Confederate soldier
* Unit, state, branch, company or ship, and rank
* Enlisted and discharged
* Miscellaneous information
* Cemetery name and street location
* Cemetery lot, section, and grave number
* Cemetery city, county, state
* GAR post and department
* Grave marker indicators
Many of the entries in this database have only a few of these items included. There is an opportunity on the web site to register and add information if you know it.
This is an excellent resource for Civil War soldiers. If you are searching for the burial location of a Civil War soldier, this is a good place to start.
Since I am collecting "all" Seaver surname records, I input only "Seaver" in the surname box and got 43 hits. The results box shows only the soldier's name, the state they served, the branch of the service, and the cemetery location. When you click on the soldier's name, then a separate window opens and there may be information for:
* Soldier's name
* Birth date
* Death date
* Union or Confederate soldier
* Unit, state, branch, company or ship, and rank
* Enlisted and discharged
* Miscellaneous information
* Cemetery name and street location
* Cemetery lot, section, and grave number
* Cemetery city, county, state
* GAR post and department
* Grave marker indicators
Many of the entries in this database have only a few of these items included. There is an opportunity on the web site to register and add information if you know it.
This is an excellent resource for Civil War soldiers. If you are searching for the burial location of a Civil War soldier, this is a good place to start.
Member Ahnentafel: Anna Kirtley (1875-1954)
We asked Chula Vista Genealogical Society members to contribute ahnentafel lists for publication on this blog. The hope is that someone may read it, or search for a name, and thereby be able to contact our member so that they can share information.
This is a 6 generation chart for one of our members' grandparents:
Ahnentafel Chart for Anna Kirtley
First Generation
1. Anna Kirtley was born on 3 Jun 1876 in Smith Center, Smith Co, Kansas. She died on 22 Mar 1954 in Republican City, Franklin Co, Neb. Anna married Elmer Goodwin son of John Goodwin Jr and Sarah Smith on 19 Dec 1896 in , Franklin Co, Neb. Elmer was born on 3 Feb 1876 in Wheeling, Belmont, Oh. He died on 15 Apr 1960 in Alma, Franklin, Ne.
Second Generation
2. Benjamin Franklin Kirtley was born on 9 Nov 1833 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. He died on 3 Mar 1923 in Hastings, Adams co, Neb. He was buried in Juanita Cem. He married Margaret Yocum on 3 Nov 1868 in , Clark Co, Ky.
3. Margaret Yocum was born on 7 Nov 1850 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. She died on 14 Oct 1935 in Hastings, Adams co, Neb. She was buried in Juanita Cem, Hastings, Neb.
Third Generation
4. Travis Kirtley was born in 1802 in Mt Sterling, Montgomery Co, Ky. He died before 1864 in Mt Sterling, Montgomery Co, Ky. He married Polly Brown on 16 Jan 1827 in , Floyd, Ky.
5. Polly Brown was born in 1804 in , Floyd Co. She died in , Montgomery Co?, Ky.
6. Francis Yocum Jr was born on 21 May 1818 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. He died on 14 Nov 1901 in Smith Center, Smith Co, Kans. He was buried in State Line Cem, , Ks. He married QUEEN Ann Hutson before 1842 in , Montgomery Co, Ky.
7. QUEEN Ann Hutson was born about 1819 in Mt Sterling, Montgomery Co, Ky. She died on 23 Nov 1858 in , Montgomery Co, Ky.
Fourth Generation
8. Beverly Kirtley was born about 1770 in , , Va?. He died before 1818 in , Clark, Ky. He married Isabell McClure on 4 Sep 1795 in , Clark Co, Ky.
9. Isabell McClure was born on 9 Jan 1774. She died after 1820 in , Clark or Montg, Ky.
12. Francis M Yocum Sr was born in 1774 in , Randolph Co, Va. He died in Aug 1863 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. He married Sarah Reed on 13 Dec 1798 in , Bourbon Co, Ky.
13. Sarah Reed was born in 1775 in , Bourbon Co, Ky. She died in 1820 in , Montgomery Co, Ky.
14. Benjamin Hutson was born in 1794 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. He died about 1874. He married Ellen Willoughby in , , Ky.
15. Ellen Willoughby was born in 1790 in , , Ky. She died about 1870.
Fifth Generation
16. James Kirtley was born about 1730 in , Culpepper Co, Va. He died before 1817 in , Culpepper Co, Va. He married Jamina Roberts about 1755 in , Culpepper Co, Va.
17. Jamina Roberts was born about 1725 in , Culpepper, Va. She died on 14 Oct 1817 in , Clark Co, Ky.
18. Andrew McClure Jr was born on 13 Jan 1725 in Raphoe, Co Donegal, , No Ireland. He died in 1799 in , Clark Co, Ky. He married Margaret Kerr in 1768 in Middle River, Augusta Co, Va.
19. Margaret Kerr was born in 1747 in Middle River, Augusta Co, Va. She died before Jun 1798 in , Clark Co, Ky.
24. John Yocum was born in 1747 in , Hampshire Co, Va or Pa.. He died on 4 Sep 1839 in , Clay Co, Ind. He was buried in Posey Tp, Clay Co, Ind. He married Mary Downing in , Randolph Co, W.Va.
25. Mary Downing was born in 1747 in , , Pa. She died in , Montgomery Co, Ky.
26. William Reed was born about 1750 in , Kentucky, Va. He married Elizabeth (Reed) before 1775 in , Bourbon?, Ky.
27. Elizabeth (Reed) was born about 1752 in , , Ky.
28. Thomas Hutson was born about 1770. He married Susan (Hutson) about 1790.
29. Susan (Hutson) was born about 1770.
30. Thomas Willoughby was born about 1765 in , , Ky. He married Anne Sullivant.
31. Anne Sullivant was born about 1770 in , , Ky.
Sixth Generation
32. Francis Kirtley Sir was born about 1690 in , , Wales or Scot. He died on 17 Mar 1763 in , Culpepper Co, Va. He married Margaret Roberts on 14 May 1722 in Falmouth, Culpepper Co, Va.
33. Margaret Roberts was born on 25 Jul 1698 in All Hallows Par, Anne Arundel, Md. She died on 20 Mar 1781 in , Culpepper Co, Va.
34. Benjamin Roberts Sr was born about 1700 in , Culpepper Co, Va. He died on 14 Feb 1782. He married Ann Field.
35. Ann Field was born about 1705 in , Culpepper Co, Va. She died about 1780 in , Clark Co, Ky.
36. James McClure Sr was born in 1690 in Raphoe, Co Donegal, , No. Ireland. He died in 1761 in , Augusta Co, Va. He married Agnes (McClure) wf of James Mccl in 1715 in Raphoe, Co Donegal, , No Ireland.
37. Agnes (McClure) wf of James Mccl died after 1756.
38. John Kerr was born in Middle River, Augusta Co, Va. He married Mary Dougherty.
39. Mary Dougherty was born in Rathmuller T, Lancaster, Ky.
48. Mathias Yocum Jr was born in 1715 in , Greenbriar Co, W.Va. He died on 18 Feb 1783 in , Lincoln Co, Ky. He married Eleanor See (Cease) about 1740 in , Silicea(Silesia, , Germ.
49. Eleanor See (Cease) was born in 1710 in Silicea, , , Germany.
50. John Downing was born in 1720/1730. He married Mary (Downing) 1 before 1740 in Russell Par, Bedford, Va.
51. Mary (Downing) 1 was born in 1720/1730.
If you want to contact our member about these families, you can email the society at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com and include your email address with your query. We will pass the information to our member and our member can contact you.
This is a 6 generation chart for one of our members' grandparents:
Ahnentafel Chart for Anna Kirtley
First Generation
1. Anna Kirtley was born on 3 Jun 1876 in Smith Center, Smith Co, Kansas. She died on 22 Mar 1954 in Republican City, Franklin Co, Neb. Anna married Elmer Goodwin son of John Goodwin Jr and Sarah Smith on 19 Dec 1896 in , Franklin Co, Neb. Elmer was born on 3 Feb 1876 in Wheeling, Belmont, Oh. He died on 15 Apr 1960 in Alma, Franklin, Ne.
Second Generation
2. Benjamin Franklin Kirtley was born on 9 Nov 1833 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. He died on 3 Mar 1923 in Hastings, Adams co, Neb. He was buried in Juanita Cem. He married Margaret Yocum on 3 Nov 1868 in , Clark Co, Ky.
3. Margaret Yocum was born on 7 Nov 1850 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. She died on 14 Oct 1935 in Hastings, Adams co, Neb. She was buried in Juanita Cem, Hastings, Neb.
Third Generation
4. Travis Kirtley was born in 1802 in Mt Sterling, Montgomery Co, Ky. He died before 1864 in Mt Sterling, Montgomery Co, Ky. He married Polly Brown on 16 Jan 1827 in , Floyd, Ky.
5. Polly Brown was born in 1804 in , Floyd Co. She died in , Montgomery Co?, Ky.
6. Francis Yocum Jr was born on 21 May 1818 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. He died on 14 Nov 1901 in Smith Center, Smith Co, Kans. He was buried in State Line Cem, , Ks. He married QUEEN Ann Hutson before 1842 in , Montgomery Co, Ky.
7. QUEEN Ann Hutson was born about 1819 in Mt Sterling, Montgomery Co, Ky. She died on 23 Nov 1858 in , Montgomery Co, Ky.
Fourth Generation
8. Beverly Kirtley was born about 1770 in , , Va?. He died before 1818 in , Clark, Ky. He married Isabell McClure on 4 Sep 1795 in , Clark Co, Ky.
9. Isabell McClure was born on 9 Jan 1774. She died after 1820 in , Clark or Montg, Ky.
12. Francis M Yocum Sr was born in 1774 in , Randolph Co, Va. He died in Aug 1863 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. He married Sarah Reed on 13 Dec 1798 in , Bourbon Co, Ky.
13. Sarah Reed was born in 1775 in , Bourbon Co, Ky. She died in 1820 in , Montgomery Co, Ky.
14. Benjamin Hutson was born in 1794 in , Montgomery Co, Ky. He died about 1874. He married Ellen Willoughby in , , Ky.
15. Ellen Willoughby was born in 1790 in , , Ky. She died about 1870.
Fifth Generation
16. James Kirtley was born about 1730 in , Culpepper Co, Va. He died before 1817 in , Culpepper Co, Va. He married Jamina Roberts about 1755 in , Culpepper Co, Va.
17. Jamina Roberts was born about 1725 in , Culpepper, Va. She died on 14 Oct 1817 in , Clark Co, Ky.
18. Andrew McClure Jr was born on 13 Jan 1725 in Raphoe, Co Donegal, , No Ireland. He died in 1799 in , Clark Co, Ky. He married Margaret Kerr in 1768 in Middle River, Augusta Co, Va.
19. Margaret Kerr was born in 1747 in Middle River, Augusta Co, Va. She died before Jun 1798 in , Clark Co, Ky.
24. John Yocum was born in 1747 in , Hampshire Co, Va or Pa.. He died on 4 Sep 1839 in , Clay Co, Ind. He was buried in Posey Tp, Clay Co, Ind. He married Mary Downing in , Randolph Co, W.Va.
25. Mary Downing was born in 1747 in , , Pa. She died in , Montgomery Co, Ky.
26. William Reed was born about 1750 in , Kentucky, Va. He married Elizabeth (Reed) before 1775 in , Bourbon?, Ky.
27. Elizabeth (Reed) was born about 1752 in , , Ky.
28. Thomas Hutson was born about 1770. He married Susan (Hutson) about 1790.
29. Susan (Hutson) was born about 1770.
30. Thomas Willoughby was born about 1765 in , , Ky. He married Anne Sullivant.
31. Anne Sullivant was born about 1770 in , , Ky.
Sixth Generation
32. Francis Kirtley Sir was born about 1690 in , , Wales or Scot. He died on 17 Mar 1763 in , Culpepper Co, Va. He married Margaret Roberts on 14 May 1722 in Falmouth, Culpepper Co, Va.
33. Margaret Roberts was born on 25 Jul 1698 in All Hallows Par, Anne Arundel, Md. She died on 20 Mar 1781 in , Culpepper Co, Va.
34. Benjamin Roberts Sr was born about 1700 in , Culpepper Co, Va. He died on 14 Feb 1782. He married Ann Field.
35. Ann Field was born about 1705 in , Culpepper Co, Va. She died about 1780 in , Clark Co, Ky.
36. James McClure Sr was born in 1690 in Raphoe, Co Donegal, , No. Ireland. He died in 1761 in , Augusta Co, Va. He married Agnes (McClure) wf of James Mccl in 1715 in Raphoe, Co Donegal, , No Ireland.
37. Agnes (McClure) wf of James Mccl died after 1756.
38. John Kerr was born in Middle River, Augusta Co, Va. He married Mary Dougherty.
39. Mary Dougherty was born in Rathmuller T, Lancaster, Ky.
48. Mathias Yocum Jr was born in 1715 in , Greenbriar Co, W.Va. He died on 18 Feb 1783 in , Lincoln Co, Ky. He married Eleanor See (Cease) about 1740 in , Silicea(Silesia, , Germ.
49. Eleanor See (Cease) was born in 1710 in Silicea, , , Germany.
50. John Downing was born in 1720/1730. He married Mary (Downing) 1 before 1740 in Russell Par, Bedford, Va.
51. Mary (Downing) 1 was born in 1720/1730.
If you want to contact our member about these families, you can email the society at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com and include your email address with your query. We will pass the information to our member and our member can contact you.
Member Ahnentafel: William James Gray (1871-1947)
We asked Chula Vista Genealogical Society members to contribute ahnentafel lists for publication on this blog. The hope is that someone may read it, or search for a name, and thereby be able to contact our member so that they can share information.
This is a 6 generation chart for one of our members' grandparents:
Ahnentafel Chart for William James Gray
First Generation
1. William James Gray was born on 11 Jul 1871 in Roseville, , Ill. He died on 25 May 1947 in Oxford, Furnas Co, Neb. He was buried in Oxford Cem, Harlan, Neb. William married Jessie Mae Detrick daughter of Hiram Detrick and Julie Ann Arnout on 25 Dec 1895 in Upland, Franklin Co, Neb. Jessie was born on 6 Aug 1875 in Liberty Corners, Bradford Co, Pa. She died on 15 Jan 1959 in Holdrege, Phelps, Neb. She was buried in Oxford, Harlan Co, Neb.
Second Generation
2. Walter Gray was born on 28 Nov 1849 in Southoe, Huntingshire, , Eng. He died on 20 Apr 1928 in Hastings, Adams co, Neb. He was buried in Upland Cem, Franklin, Ne. He married Mary Ann Hubbard on 24 Aug 1870 in Southoe, Huntingshire, , England.
3. Mary Ann Hubbard was born on 3 Jul 1844 in Buckden, Huntingdon, , Eng. She died on 3 Oct 1924 in Upland, Franklin, Neb.
Third Generation
4. James Gray was born in 1815 in Southoe, Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng. He died on 12 Sep 1880 in Southoe, Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng. He was buried in Southoe Cem, churchyard. He married Mary Ann Amey.
5. Mary Ann Amey was born in 1815 in , Huntingtonshire, , Eng. She died on 8 Dec 1880 in Southoe, Huntingtonshire, , Eng. She was buried in Southoe Cem, churchyard.
6. William Hubbard was born in 1813. He died on 9 Dec 1897 in Buckden, Huntingshire, , Eng. He married Mary Eliza Pettengall in Buckden, , Huntingshire, Eng.
7. Mary Eliza Pettengall was born on 3 Jul 1814 in Buckden, Huntingtonshire, , Eng. She died on 22 Nov 1898 in , , , Eng.
Fourth Generation
8. Charles Gray was born on 13 Feb 1785 in Southoe, Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng. He died in Southoe, Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng. He married Sarah Moore about 1805 in , , Huntingdon, Eng.
9. Sarah Moore was born about 1796 in , , Huntingdon, Eng. She died in , , Huntingdon, Eng.
10. Charles Amey was born about 1785 in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng. He died in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng. He married Mary Amey before 1811 in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng.
11. Mary Amey was born in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng. She died in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng.
14. William James Pettengall was born in Buckden, Huntingshire, Eng.
Fifth Generation
16. William Gray was born on 13 Mar 1744 in St Neots, , Huntingshire, Eng. He married Elizabeth (Gray) about 1775 in St Neots, , Huntingdon, Eng.
17. Elizabeth (Gray) died before 1798.
18. Thomas Moore was born about 1760. He died on 25 May 1835 in Southoe, , Huntingdon, Eng. He married Mary (Moore).
19. Mary (Moore) was born about 1753. She died on 17 Jul 1840 in Southoe, , Huntingdon, Eng.
Sixth Generation
32. George Gray was born about 1713 in St Neots, Huntingdon. He died on 14 Feb 1789 in St Neots, Huntingdon. He married Elizabeth (Gray) about 1743.
33. Elizabeth (Gray) died before 1789 in St Neots.
36. Thomas Moore was born about 1728 in Offord Cluney, Huntingdon, Eng. He married Mary Simmonds on 20 Jan 1756.
37. Mary Simmonds was born about 1732. She died on 30 Nov 1820 in Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng.
If you want to contact our member about these families, you can email the society at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com and include your email address with your query. We will pass the information to our member and our member can contact you.
This is a 6 generation chart for one of our members' grandparents:
Ahnentafel Chart for William James Gray
First Generation
1. William James Gray was born on 11 Jul 1871 in Roseville, , Ill. He died on 25 May 1947 in Oxford, Furnas Co, Neb. He was buried in Oxford Cem, Harlan, Neb. William married Jessie Mae Detrick daughter of Hiram Detrick and Julie Ann Arnout on 25 Dec 1895 in Upland, Franklin Co, Neb. Jessie was born on 6 Aug 1875 in Liberty Corners, Bradford Co, Pa. She died on 15 Jan 1959 in Holdrege, Phelps, Neb. She was buried in Oxford, Harlan Co, Neb.
Second Generation
2. Walter Gray was born on 28 Nov 1849 in Southoe, Huntingshire, , Eng. He died on 20 Apr 1928 in Hastings, Adams co, Neb. He was buried in Upland Cem, Franklin, Ne. He married Mary Ann Hubbard on 24 Aug 1870 in Southoe, Huntingshire, , England.
3. Mary Ann Hubbard was born on 3 Jul 1844 in Buckden, Huntingdon, , Eng. She died on 3 Oct 1924 in Upland, Franklin, Neb.
Third Generation
4. James Gray was born in 1815 in Southoe, Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng. He died on 12 Sep 1880 in Southoe, Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng. He was buried in Southoe Cem, churchyard. He married Mary Ann Amey.
5. Mary Ann Amey was born in 1815 in , Huntingtonshire, , Eng. She died on 8 Dec 1880 in Southoe, Huntingtonshire, , Eng. She was buried in Southoe Cem, churchyard.
6. William Hubbard was born in 1813. He died on 9 Dec 1897 in Buckden, Huntingshire, , Eng. He married Mary Eliza Pettengall in Buckden, , Huntingshire, Eng.
7. Mary Eliza Pettengall was born on 3 Jul 1814 in Buckden, Huntingtonshire, , Eng. She died on 22 Nov 1898 in , , , Eng.
Fourth Generation
8. Charles Gray was born on 13 Feb 1785 in Southoe, Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng. He died in Southoe, Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng. He married Sarah Moore about 1805 in , , Huntingdon, Eng.
9. Sarah Moore was born about 1796 in , , Huntingdon, Eng. She died in , , Huntingdon, Eng.
10. Charles Amey was born about 1785 in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng. He died in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng. He married Mary Amey before 1811 in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng.
11. Mary Amey was born in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng. She died in Offord Darcy, Offord Darcy, Huntingdon, Eng.
14. William James Pettengall was born in Buckden, Huntingshire, Eng.
Fifth Generation
16. William Gray was born on 13 Mar 1744 in St Neots, , Huntingshire, Eng. He married Elizabeth (Gray) about 1775 in St Neots, , Huntingdon, Eng.
17. Elizabeth (Gray) died before 1798.
18. Thomas Moore was born about 1760. He died on 25 May 1835 in Southoe, , Huntingdon, Eng. He married Mary (Moore).
19. Mary (Moore) was born about 1753. She died on 17 Jul 1840 in Southoe, , Huntingdon, Eng.
Sixth Generation
32. George Gray was born about 1713 in St Neots, Huntingdon. He died on 14 Feb 1789 in St Neots, Huntingdon. He married Elizabeth (Gray) about 1743.
33. Elizabeth (Gray) died before 1789 in St Neots.
36. Thomas Moore was born about 1728 in Offord Cluney, Huntingdon, Eng. He married Mary Simmonds on 20 Jan 1756.
37. Mary Simmonds was born about 1732. She died on 30 Nov 1820 in Southoe, Huntingdon, Eng.
If you want to contact our member about these families, you can email the society at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com and include your email address with your query. We will pass the information to our member and our member can contact you.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Jean is looking for family stories
Jean Wilcox Hibben is a Southern California genealogist and story teller par excellence (she has spoken at SDGS several times). She is a doctoral candidate now, and is looking for family stories to use in her research and dissertation.
She recently posted this to the APG mailing list (see the thread here). I asked for and was granted permission by Jean to post this on this blog.
Greetings, fellow APGers.
Some of you may have already heard about my dissertation project, and some have already submitted stories to it, but for those who have not, here is my plea for help.
I am a doctoral candidate in folklore and my dissertation is on family stories. Since my concentration is American folklore, the stories need to be American in origin, but immigration stories are acceptable. They need to be stories that have endured over at least 2 generations (things your grandparents told you or maybe what your parents shared that they learned from their parents, grandparents, etc.). Stories need to have had some sort of impact (however slight: even that the story inspired you to research your family lineage) ... in other words, why did the story manage to survive? Stories must also be from your own family (though if you have a client who has a great story, please encourage that person to submit it!).
I am collecting stories from the genealogical community as that is the population I am eventually generalizing to, but stories need not be proven true ... in fact, some of the questionable stories that have endured and even impacted families are the most intriguing. I am following the general cataloging of folklorist Stephen Zeitlin at the folklore center in NY.
As an enticement, I am offering to donate $1 per story (that meets the criteria) to the genealogical society identified on the submission form (yes, this is ethical as I am not soliciting by offering to pay directly to submitters). I expect to be compiling the data by early spring 2008, so the sooner the stories are submitted, the more time I have to work with them (donations will be made once the analysis is complete ... hopefully by June 2008).
If you would be willing to submit your stories and/or present this opportunity (perhaps as a fundraiser) to your own genealogical society, please see the details and submission form at: <www.circlemending.org/familystory.html>. Sample stories can also be found at that website: <www.circlemending.org>, click on "Dissertation project."
I appreciate this list for the many bits of information I have received over the past years and now hope that some of you good folks will assist me in this area. Thank you so very much!!
Jean Wilcox Hibben, MA,CGsm
Riverside County, California
Member, Association of Professional Genealogists
Member, Genealogical Speakers Guild
President, Corona (CA) Genealogical Society
Can you help Jean out with her project? There is an incentive for people to submit articles. It might be useful to visit her web site to see the type of stories that she wants.
She recently posted this to the APG mailing list (see the thread here). I asked for and was granted permission by Jean to post this on this blog.
Greetings, fellow APGers.
Some of you may have already heard about my dissertation project, and some have already submitted stories to it, but for those who have not, here is my plea for help.
I am a doctoral candidate in folklore and my dissertation is on family stories. Since my concentration is American folklore, the stories need to be American in origin, but immigration stories are acceptable. They need to be stories that have endured over at least 2 generations (things your grandparents told you or maybe what your parents shared that they learned from their parents, grandparents, etc.). Stories need to have had some sort of impact (however slight: even that the story inspired you to research your family lineage) ... in other words, why did the story manage to survive? Stories must also be from your own family (though if you have a client who has a great story, please encourage that person to submit it!).
I am collecting stories from the genealogical community as that is the population I am eventually generalizing to, but stories need not be proven true ... in fact, some of the questionable stories that have endured and even impacted families are the most intriguing. I am following the general cataloging of folklorist Stephen Zeitlin at the folklore center in NY.
As an enticement, I am offering to donate $1 per story (that meets the criteria) to the genealogical society identified on the submission form (yes, this is ethical as I am not soliciting by offering to pay directly to submitters). I expect to be compiling the data by early spring 2008, so the sooner the stories are submitted, the more time I have to work with them (donations will be made once the analysis is complete ... hopefully by June 2008).
If you would be willing to submit your stories and/or present this opportunity (perhaps as a fundraiser) to your own genealogical society, please see the details and submission form at: <www.circlemending.org/familystory.html>. Sample stories can also be found at that website: <www.circlemending.org>, click on "Dissertation project."
I appreciate this list for the many bits of information I have received over the past years and now hope that some of you good folks will assist me in this area. Thank you so very much!!
Jean Wilcox Hibben, MA,CGsm
Riverside County, California
Member, Association of Professional Genealogists
Member, Genealogical Speakers Guild
President, Corona (CA) Genealogical Society
Can you help Jean out with her project? There is an incentive for people to submit articles. It might be useful to visit her web site to see the type of stories that she wants.
PERSI has been Updated
Our colleague Susi passed this information from Curt Witcher at the Allen County (IN) Public Library, which was published in the latest Genealogy Gems newsletter:
"This past Thursday, the 2007 edition of the "Periodical Source Index" (or PERSI as it is often called) was loaded on the www.HeritageQuestOnline.com web site. This latest edition of PERSI brings the total number of periodical titles indexed to 6,652 and the total number of article citations to 2,038,494!
"PERSI is the largest and most comprehensive subject index to genealogy and local history periodicals published in North America and the British Isles.
"It really should be a must-check source for every family line and geographic location one is researching. If you've never used PERSI or don't believe you're getting the full benefit from the index, sign up for the "Using PERSI" program on Tuesday, October 22nd from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Main Library's Computer Classroom by calling (260)421-1225."
PERSI is described here. It is wonderful for what it does, and the Allen County (IN) Public Library (ACPL) offers a copying service for any article that a researcher wants to obtain - the order form is here.
It is very likely that key information that might solve many brick wall research problems is hiding in articles in genealogy periodicals and newsletters. Almost every state and many counties have regular genealogy publications, and local researchers have transcribed or abstracted millions of records and names.
There are also books and CDROMs that contain the PERSI index which can be found in libraries, but they are often dated. Online at HQO, you can search by surname, locality and keyword. However, the search is only on certain words in the title, author, locality or keyword list.
The problem with using PERSI effectively is that there is no "every-name" index such as there is on many genealogy web sites. The reason is obvious - the ACPL does not have digital archives for all of these periodicals, and if they did there would be substantial copyright issues with authors and publishers. I guess I've been spoiled in the last few years.
Here in the San Diego area, the Carlsbad Cole Library provides FREE home access to HeritageQuestOnline (HQO) to library members with a valid library card number. The card is free, but you have to visit the library.
Unfortunately, the last issue of Genealogy Gems at the newsletter archives page is March 2007. I'm sure that they will add the missing issues soon.
"This past Thursday, the 2007 edition of the "Periodical Source Index" (or PERSI as it is often called) was loaded on the www.HeritageQuestOnline.com web site. This latest edition of PERSI brings the total number of periodical titles indexed to 6,652 and the total number of article citations to 2,038,494!
"PERSI is the largest and most comprehensive subject index to genealogy and local history periodicals published in North America and the British Isles.
"It really should be a must-check source for every family line and geographic location one is researching. If you've never used PERSI or don't believe you're getting the full benefit from the index, sign up for the "Using PERSI" program on Tuesday, October 22nd from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Main Library's Computer Classroom by calling (260)421-1225."
PERSI is described here. It is wonderful for what it does, and the Allen County (IN) Public Library (ACPL) offers a copying service for any article that a researcher wants to obtain - the order form is here.
It is very likely that key information that might solve many brick wall research problems is hiding in articles in genealogy periodicals and newsletters. Almost every state and many counties have regular genealogy publications, and local researchers have transcribed or abstracted millions of records and names.
There are also books and CDROMs that contain the PERSI index which can be found in libraries, but they are often dated. Online at HQO, you can search by surname, locality and keyword. However, the search is only on certain words in the title, author, locality or keyword list.
The problem with using PERSI effectively is that there is no "every-name" index such as there is on many genealogy web sites. The reason is obvious - the ACPL does not have digital archives for all of these periodicals, and if they did there would be substantial copyright issues with authors and publishers. I guess I've been spoiled in the last few years.
Here in the San Diego area, the Carlsbad Cole Library provides FREE home access to HeritageQuestOnline (HQO) to library members with a valid library card number. The card is free, but you have to visit the library.
Unfortunately, the last issue of Genealogy Gems at the newsletter archives page is March 2007. I'm sure that they will add the missing issues soon.
Genealogy Resources,
Online Resources,
Press Release for CVGS Seminar on 20 October
Here is the press release sent out by the Chula Vista Public Library on 2 October for the 20 October seminar:
Ever wondered when your relatives came to California or wanted to trace your ancestors back to their countries of origin but don’t know how to begin a search for the answers?
Then don’t miss a free seminar titled “Genealogy Online -- Discover Your Family History” on October 20 at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library, 365 F St. The seminar will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The seminar is intended for young-adults and adults who are interested in researching their family history. The focus will be on genealogy resources available on the Internet, including freely accessible and commercial genealogy web sites.
“Finding out about your ancestry is like a treasure hunt or a detective story---you never know what you will find,” said Randy Seaver, President of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society. “This seminar will give participants an opportunity to find out about web sites that are available to start their own family history search.”
In addition to this seminar, the Chula Vista Genealogical Society (CVGS) regularly meets on the last Monday of the month at 10 a.m. in the Civic Center Library auditorium. Additionally, a CVGS member is usually present in the library on Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon to assist people with their research. The meetings and assistance are free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the Chula Vista Public Library and the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, this workshop is one of a variety of free programs offered for children, teens and adults at the library’s three branches. For more information call (619) 691-5069 or click on www.chulavistalibrary.com, or the CVGS website: www.rootsweb.com/~cacvgs2/. To contact the CVGS president Randy Seaver directly, e-mail rjseaver@cox.net or call 619-422-3397.
We are hoping for a large turnout among San Diego area researchers.
Ever wondered when your relatives came to California or wanted to trace your ancestors back to their countries of origin but don’t know how to begin a search for the answers?
Then don’t miss a free seminar titled “Genealogy Online -- Discover Your Family History” on October 20 at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library, 365 F St. The seminar will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The seminar is intended for young-adults and adults who are interested in researching their family history. The focus will be on genealogy resources available on the Internet, including freely accessible and commercial genealogy web sites.
“Finding out about your ancestry is like a treasure hunt or a detective story---you never know what you will find,” said Randy Seaver, President of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society. “This seminar will give participants an opportunity to find out about web sites that are available to start their own family history search.”
In addition to this seminar, the Chula Vista Genealogical Society (CVGS) regularly meets on the last Monday of the month at 10 a.m. in the Civic Center Library auditorium. Additionally, a CVGS member is usually present in the library on Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon to assist people with their research. The meetings and assistance are free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the Chula Vista Public Library and the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, this workshop is one of a variety of free programs offered for children, teens and adults at the library’s three branches. For more information call (619) 691-5069 or click on www.chulavistalibrary.com, or the CVGS website: www.rootsweb.com/~cacvgs2/. To contact the CVGS president Randy Seaver directly, e-mail rjseaver@cox.net or call 619-422-3397.
We are hoping for a large turnout among San Diego area researchers.
Monday, October 1, 2007
CVGS Events for October 2007
The Chula Vista Genealogical Society events for October 2007 include:
** Wednesday, October 17, 10 AM, Chula Vista Civic Center Library -- CVGS Computer Group meets in the Library Computer Lab. We will visit some new genealogy web sites and/or Ancestry Library Edition (ALE) databases. This is an opportunity for those members who haven't used computers for genealogy research to practice with a mentor to guide them. It is also an opportunity for members who don't have an Ancestry subscription to dig into the ALE databases.
** Saturday, October 20, 10 AM to 3 PM, Chula Vista Civic Center Library -- "Genealogy Online - Discover Your Family History" seminar, presented by Randy Seaver. See the seminar announcement here for more details and reservations.
** Wednesday, October 24, 10 AM, Chula Vista Civic Center Library -- CVGS Research Group meets in the Library Conference Room. We will review the genealogy news for August, share success stories and information, and discuss members research problems, and potential solutions, based on the collective knowledge and wisdom of the group.
** Monday, October 29, 10 AM, Chula Vista Civic Center Library -- the monthly Society meeting is held in the Auditorium. This meeting has a short business meeting with announcements of meetings and activities, followed by a presentation on a topic of genealogy and family history interest. At this meeting, Joan Lowrey will present "Digging Up the Un-Dead (Finding Living People)"
Remember that on Mondays - October 1, 8, 15, and 22 - that Dearl Glenn and probably John Finch will be at the table by the Family Research section of the Chula Vista Civic Center Library ready to help people with their research, discuss a problem or success, or just tell stories.
We welcome guests and visitors to our CVGS programs and events - if you are in the Chula Vista area and want to attend our events - please come and introduce yourselves. If you have questions, please email Randy at rjseaver(at)cox.net or phone 619-422-3397.
** Wednesday, October 17, 10 AM, Chula Vista Civic Center Library -- CVGS Computer Group meets in the Library Computer Lab. We will visit some new genealogy web sites and/or Ancestry Library Edition (ALE) databases. This is an opportunity for those members who haven't used computers for genealogy research to practice with a mentor to guide them. It is also an opportunity for members who don't have an Ancestry subscription to dig into the ALE databases.
** Saturday, October 20, 10 AM to 3 PM, Chula Vista Civic Center Library -- "Genealogy Online - Discover Your Family History" seminar, presented by Randy Seaver. See the seminar announcement here for more details and reservations.
** Wednesday, October 24, 10 AM, Chula Vista Civic Center Library -- CVGS Research Group meets in the Library Conference Room. We will review the genealogy news for August, share success stories and information, and discuss members research problems, and potential solutions, based on the collective knowledge and wisdom of the group.
** Monday, October 29, 10 AM, Chula Vista Civic Center Library -- the monthly Society meeting is held in the Auditorium. This meeting has a short business meeting with announcements of meetings and activities, followed by a presentation on a topic of genealogy and family history interest. At this meeting, Joan Lowrey will present "Digging Up the Un-Dead (Finding Living People)"
Remember that on Mondays - October 1, 8, 15, and 22 - that Dearl Glenn and probably John Finch will be at the table by the Family Research section of the Chula Vista Civic Center Library ready to help people with their research, discuss a problem or success, or just tell stories.
We welcome guests and visitors to our CVGS programs and events - if you are in the Chula Vista area and want to attend our events - please come and introduce yourselves. If you have questions, please email Randy at rjseaver(at)cox.net or phone 619-422-3397.
Member Ahnentafel: Jessie Mae Detrick (1875-1959)
We asked Chula Vista Genealogical Society members to contribute ahnentafel lists for publication on this blog. The hope is that someone may read it, or search for a name, and thereby be able to contact our member so that they can share information.
This is a 6 generation chart for one of our members' grandparents:
Ahnentafel Chart for Jessie Mae Detrick
First Generation
1. Jessie Mae Detrick was born on 6 Aug 1875 in Liberty Corners, Bradford Co, Pa. She died on 15 Jan 1959 in Holdrege, Phelps, Neb. She was buried in Oxford, Harlan Co, Neb. Jessie married William James Gray son of Walter Gray and Mary Ann Hubbard on 25 Dec 1895 in Upland, Franklin Co, Neb. William was born on 11 Jul 1871 in Roseville, , Ill. He died on 25 May 1947 in Oxford, Furnas Co, Neb. He was buried in Oxford Cem, Harlan, Neb.
Second Generation
2. Hiram Detrick was born on 9 Aug 1851 in , Wyoming Co, Pa. He died on 22 Nov 1922 in Wilcox, Kearney Co, Neb. He was buried in Wilcox Cem, , Neb. He married Julie Ann Arnout on 14 Oct 1874 in Liberty Corners, , Pa.
3. Julie Ann Arnout was born on 15 Sep 1850 in Monroetown, , Pa. She died on 12 Dec 1936 in Tecumseh, , Neb. She was buried in Upland, Franklin Co, Neb.
Third Generation
4. Jacob Detrick was born on 18 May 1821 in Lower Smithfield, Monroe, Pa. He was christened in Lower Smithfield, Lutheran & refor, Church. He died on 18 Oct 1897 in Sayre, Bradford, Pa. He was buried in Tioga Cem, Athens, Pa. He married Rebecca Lee Tappin in 1839 in , Bradford, Pa.
5. Rebecca Lee Tappin was born on 30 Jul 1823 in , Trenton, , NJ. She died on 26 Aug 1912 in , Bradford, Pa. She was buried in Tioga Point Cem, Athens, Pa.
6. Joshua Arnout was born on 13 Aug 1813 in Goshen, , N.Y.. He died on 26 Aug 1859 in Monroetown, Bradford, Pa. He married Martha Chilson on 26 Aug 1832.
7. Martha Chilson was born on 2 Jan 1814 in Monroeton, , Pa. She died on 22 Feb 1895 in Upland, Franklin Co, Neb.
Fourth Generation
8. John Detrick was born on 22 Sep 1792 in Tunkhannock, Northampton, Pa. He was christened on 21 Oct 1792. He died on 5 Mar 1881 in Tunkhannock, Northampton, Pa. He married Mary Depue about 1820 in , Monroe, Pa.
9. Mary Depue was born in 1794 in Lower Smithfield, Northampton, Pa. She died on 9 Dec 1863 in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co, Pa.
12. Selah Arnout was born on 12 Jul 1768 in Goshen, , NY. He died in Jan 1844 in Monroetown,, Pa. He married Prudence Knight.
13. Prudence Knight was born on 14 Feb 1773 in , , Pa. She died on 2 Oct 1822 in Monroetown,, Pa.
14. Samuel Chilson was born on 20 Aug 1780. He died on 4 Feb 1847 in , , Pa. He married Polly Benjamin.
15. Polly Benjamin was born on 4 Jan 1782 in Florida, , NY. She died on 10 Jun 1873 in Monroeton, Bradford, Pa.
Fifth Generation
16. Elias Detrick was born on 21 Mar 1770 in Mt Bethel, Northampton, Pa. He died in 1844 in Mt Bethel, Northampton, Pa. He was buried in 1844. He married Catharine Brotzman in 1791 in , Northampton, Pa.
17. Catharine Brotzman was born in 1770 in E. Stroudsburg, Northampton, Pa. She died in 1844 in E. Stroudsburg, Northampton, Pa. She was buried Old Stone Church .
18. Cornelius Depue .Cornelius married Susanne Chambers.
19. Susanne Chambers .
24. Jacob Arnout was born on 24 Mar 1725 in New York City, Orange, NY. He died on 3 Aug 1805 in Goshen, Orange, NY. He married Mary Morrison in Goshen, , NY.
25. Mary Morrison was born about 1730.
30. Richard Benjamin 3rd was born about 1755 in Goshen, , NY. He died on 21 Mar 1815 in Asylum, Bradford, Pa. He married Martha Bennett before 1776 in Asylum, , Pa.
31. Martha Bennett was born in 1750/1760 in , Wyoming Valley, Pa. She died before 1776 in Asylum, Bradford, Pa.
Sixth Generation
32. Johan Elias Detrick Pvt-pa was born in 1738 in Dresden, , , Germ. He died in 1795 in , , Pa. He married Magdalina Hartz in 1759 in Belvidere, Sussex, NJ.
33. Magdalina Hartz was born in 1741 in Belvidere, Sussex, NJ.
34. Nicholas Brotzman AfnL6x8-z1 was born in 1745 in Williams Twp, , Pa. He died in Mar 1826 in , Tioga Co, Pa. He married Gertrude Hertzel in , , , Germ.
35. Gertrude Hertzel was born on 24 Dec 1740 in Williams Twp, , Pa?.
60. Jonathan Benjamin was born in 1714 in Southold, , NY. He died before 1738 in , Orange, NY. He married wf of Jonathan (Benjamin).
61. wf of Jonathan (Benjamin) .
62. Amos Bennett was born in 1755 in , , Pa. He died in 1813. He married Anna Duncan about 1770.
63. Anna Duncan was born about 1760 in , , Pa. She died in 1814 in Asylum, Bradford, Pa. She was buried in same.
If you want to contact our member about these families, you can email the society at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com and include your email address with your query. We will pass the information to our member and our member can contact you.
This is a 6 generation chart for one of our members' grandparents:
Ahnentafel Chart for Jessie Mae Detrick
First Generation
1. Jessie Mae Detrick was born on 6 Aug 1875 in Liberty Corners, Bradford Co, Pa. She died on 15 Jan 1959 in Holdrege, Phelps, Neb. She was buried in Oxford, Harlan Co, Neb. Jessie married William James Gray son of Walter Gray and Mary Ann Hubbard on 25 Dec 1895 in Upland, Franklin Co, Neb. William was born on 11 Jul 1871 in Roseville, , Ill. He died on 25 May 1947 in Oxford, Furnas Co, Neb. He was buried in Oxford Cem, Harlan, Neb.
Second Generation
2. Hiram Detrick was born on 9 Aug 1851 in , Wyoming Co, Pa. He died on 22 Nov 1922 in Wilcox, Kearney Co, Neb. He was buried in Wilcox Cem, , Neb. He married Julie Ann Arnout on 14 Oct 1874 in Liberty Corners, , Pa.
3. Julie Ann Arnout was born on 15 Sep 1850 in Monroetown, , Pa. She died on 12 Dec 1936 in Tecumseh, , Neb. She was buried in Upland, Franklin Co, Neb.
Third Generation
4. Jacob Detrick was born on 18 May 1821 in Lower Smithfield, Monroe, Pa. He was christened in Lower Smithfield, Lutheran & refor, Church. He died on 18 Oct 1897 in Sayre, Bradford, Pa. He was buried in Tioga Cem, Athens, Pa. He married Rebecca Lee Tappin in 1839 in , Bradford, Pa.
5. Rebecca Lee Tappin was born on 30 Jul 1823 in , Trenton, , NJ. She died on 26 Aug 1912 in , Bradford, Pa. She was buried in Tioga Point Cem, Athens, Pa.
6. Joshua Arnout was born on 13 Aug 1813 in Goshen, , N.Y.. He died on 26 Aug 1859 in Monroetown, Bradford, Pa. He married Martha Chilson on 26 Aug 1832.
7. Martha Chilson was born on 2 Jan 1814 in Monroeton, , Pa. She died on 22 Feb 1895 in Upland, Franklin Co, Neb.
Fourth Generation
8. John Detrick was born on 22 Sep 1792 in Tunkhannock, Northampton, Pa. He was christened on 21 Oct 1792. He died on 5 Mar 1881 in Tunkhannock, Northampton, Pa. He married Mary Depue about 1820 in , Monroe, Pa.
9. Mary Depue was born in 1794 in Lower Smithfield, Northampton, Pa. She died on 9 Dec 1863 in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co, Pa.
12. Selah Arnout was born on 12 Jul 1768 in Goshen, , NY. He died in Jan 1844 in Monroetown,, Pa. He married Prudence Knight.
13. Prudence Knight was born on 14 Feb 1773 in , , Pa. She died on 2 Oct 1822 in Monroetown,, Pa.
14. Samuel Chilson was born on 20 Aug 1780. He died on 4 Feb 1847 in , , Pa. He married Polly Benjamin.
15. Polly Benjamin was born on 4 Jan 1782 in Florida, , NY. She died on 10 Jun 1873 in Monroeton, Bradford, Pa.
Fifth Generation
16. Elias Detrick was born on 21 Mar 1770 in Mt Bethel, Northampton, Pa. He died in 1844 in Mt Bethel, Northampton, Pa. He was buried in 1844. He married Catharine Brotzman in 1791 in , Northampton, Pa.
17. Catharine Brotzman was born in 1770 in E. Stroudsburg, Northampton, Pa. She died in 1844 in E. Stroudsburg, Northampton, Pa. She was buried Old Stone Church .
18. Cornelius Depue .Cornelius married Susanne Chambers.
19. Susanne Chambers .
24. Jacob Arnout was born on 24 Mar 1725 in New York City, Orange, NY. He died on 3 Aug 1805 in Goshen, Orange, NY. He married Mary Morrison in Goshen, , NY.
25. Mary Morrison was born about 1730.
30. Richard Benjamin 3rd was born about 1755 in Goshen, , NY. He died on 21 Mar 1815 in Asylum, Bradford, Pa. He married Martha Bennett before 1776 in Asylum, , Pa.
31. Martha Bennett was born in 1750/1760 in , Wyoming Valley, Pa. She died before 1776 in Asylum, Bradford, Pa.
Sixth Generation
32. Johan Elias Detrick Pvt-pa was born in 1738 in Dresden, , , Germ. He died in 1795 in , , Pa. He married Magdalina Hartz in 1759 in Belvidere, Sussex, NJ.
33. Magdalina Hartz was born in 1741 in Belvidere, Sussex, NJ.
34. Nicholas Brotzman AfnL6x8-z1 was born in 1745 in Williams Twp, , Pa. He died in Mar 1826 in , Tioga Co, Pa. He married Gertrude Hertzel in , , , Germ.
35. Gertrude Hertzel was born on 24 Dec 1740 in Williams Twp, , Pa?.
60. Jonathan Benjamin was born in 1714 in Southold, , NY. He died before 1738 in , Orange, NY. He married wf of Jonathan (Benjamin).
61. wf of Jonathan (Benjamin) .
62. Amos Bennett was born in 1755 in , , Pa. He died in 1813. He married Anna Duncan about 1770.
63. Anna Duncan was born about 1760 in , , Pa. She died in 1814 in Asylum, Bradford, Pa. She was buried in same.
If you want to contact our member about these families, you can email the society at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com and include your email address with your query. We will pass the information to our member and our member can contact you.
Member Ahnentafels: Elmer Goodwin (1876-1960)
We asked Chula Vista Genealogical Society members to contribute ahnentafel lists for publication on this blog. The hope is that someone may read it, or search for a name, and thereby be able to contact our member so that they can share information.
This is a 6 generation chart for one of our members' grandparents:
Ahnentafel Chart for Elmer Goodwin
First Generation
1. Elmer Goodwin was born on 3 Feb 1876 in Wheeling, Belmont, Oh. He died on 15 Apr 1960 in Alma, Franklin, Ne.
Elmer married Anna Kirtley daughter of Benjamin Franklin Kirtley and Margaret Yocum on 19 Dec 1896 in , Franklin Co, Neb. Anna was born on 3 Jun 1876 in Smith Center, Smith Co,Kansas. She died on 22 Mar 1954 in Republican City, Franklin Co, Neb.
Second Generation
2. John Goodwin Jr was born on 4 Sep 1836 in York, Jefferson, Oh. He died on 26 Oct 1913 in Wilcox, Kearney, Ne. He was buried in Wilcox Cem. He married Sarah Smith on 10 Jan 1866 in , Jefferson Co, Oh.
3. Sarah Smith was born on 15 May 1838 in , Belmont, Ohio. She died on 24 Mar 1906 in Wilcox, Kearney, Neb. She was buried in Wilcox Cemetery.
Third Generation
4. John Sr Goodwin was born on 18 Sep 1798 in , Frederick Co, Va. He died on 9 Dec 1883 in Updegraff, Jefferson Co, Ohio. He married Elizabeth Croley about 1819.
5. Elizabeth Croley was born on 10 Apr 1796 in , Frederick Co, Va. She died on 20 Jun 1875 in York Tp, Jefferson Co, Ohio.
6. Ephraim Smith was born on 2 Feb 1793 in , , , Ireland. He died on 11 Jul 1844 in , Belmont, Oh. He was buried in Harr Met Episc, Harrison Co. He married Elizabeth Parkinson on 24 Nov 1818 in Green, Harrison, Oh.
7. Elizabeth Parkinson was born about 1798 in Frederick, , Md. She died on 6 Sep 1872.
Fourth Generation
8. Gideon Goodwin was born on 3 Mar 1769 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa. He married Rachel Pierce on 16 Aug 1796 in , Frederick Co, Va.
9. Rachel Pierce was born in 1779 in , Frederick Co, Va (MD).
10. William Croley was born in 1724 in Amelia Co, Va. He was married about 1748.
12. Wm Smith was born in 1769 in Ireland. He died on 28 Dec 1835 in Guernsey Co, Oh. He was buried McCoy Cem in grernsey Co Oh. He married Eleanor Montgomery.
13. Eleanor Montgomery was born in 1759 in Co Down, Ireland. She died on 14 Jan 1844 in Guernsey Co, Oh. She was buried McCoy Cem .
14. Thomas Parkinson was born on 6 Oct 1762 in Frederick, Frederick, Md. He died on 19 Oct 1838 in Green Tp, Harrison Co, Ohio. He was buried in Harr Met Episc. He married Elizabeth Schleif on 5 Jan 1784 in Frederick, , Md.
15. Elizabeth Schleif was born in 1758 in Frederick, , Md. She died in 1847 in Green Tp, Harrison Co, Ohio.
Fifth Generation
16. Thomas Goodwin 3rd was born about 1733 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa. He died in , Frederick Co, Va. He married Mary Hall on 25 May 1759 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa.
17. Mary Hall was born in 1739 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa.
18. Joshua Pierce was born in 1742 in , Chester, Pa. He died on 16 Mar 1820 in Wilmington, New Castle, Del. He married Rachel Hayes on 15 Mar 1773 in , Chester, Pa.
19. Rachel Hayes was born on 1 Sep 1753 in , Chester, Pa. She died on 16 Nov 1821 in , Chester, Pa.
28. Edward Parkinson was born before 1742 in , Frederick, Md. He married Dianah James about 1760 in , Frederick, Md.
29. Dianah James was born before 1742 in , Frederick, Md.
Sixth Generation
32. Thomas Goodwin Jr was born about 1694 in LLanduey, Merionthshire, , Wales. He died on 17 Feb 1775 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa. He was buried in Friends Cem, Goshen, Pa. He married Ann Jones on 12 Sep 1729 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa.
33. Ann Jones was born on 11 Nov 1707 in Merion Tract, Chester, Pa. She died in Merion Tract,Chester, Pa.
34. Thomas Hall was born in 1700 in Concord, Chester Co, Pa. He died in 1780. He married Mary Scarlett about 1730 in Chichester, Chester Co, Pa.
35. Mary Scarlett was born in 1705 in Chichester, Chester Co, Pa.
36. Joshua Pierce was born about 1717 in , Chester, Pa.
38. Isaac Hayes was born on 26 Aug 1727 in , Chester, Pa. He married Hannah Harlan.
39. Hannah Harlan was born about 1735 in New Garden, Chester, Pa.
58. John James .John married Diana Allen.
59. Diana Allen .
If you want to contact our member about these families, you can email the society at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com and include your email address with your query. We will pass the information to our member and our member can contact you.
This is a 6 generation chart for one of our members' grandparents:
Ahnentafel Chart for Elmer Goodwin
First Generation
1. Elmer Goodwin was born on 3 Feb 1876 in Wheeling, Belmont, Oh. He died on 15 Apr 1960 in Alma, Franklin, Ne.
Elmer married Anna Kirtley daughter of Benjamin Franklin Kirtley and Margaret Yocum on 19 Dec 1896 in , Franklin Co, Neb. Anna was born on 3 Jun 1876 in Smith Center, Smith Co,Kansas. She died on 22 Mar 1954 in Republican City, Franklin Co, Neb.
Second Generation
2. John Goodwin Jr was born on 4 Sep 1836 in York, Jefferson, Oh. He died on 26 Oct 1913 in Wilcox, Kearney, Ne. He was buried in Wilcox Cem. He married Sarah Smith on 10 Jan 1866 in , Jefferson Co, Oh.
3. Sarah Smith was born on 15 May 1838 in , Belmont, Ohio. She died on 24 Mar 1906 in Wilcox, Kearney, Neb. She was buried in Wilcox Cemetery.
Third Generation
4. John Sr Goodwin was born on 18 Sep 1798 in , Frederick Co, Va. He died on 9 Dec 1883 in Updegraff, Jefferson Co, Ohio. He married Elizabeth Croley about 1819.
5. Elizabeth Croley was born on 10 Apr 1796 in , Frederick Co, Va. She died on 20 Jun 1875 in York Tp, Jefferson Co, Ohio.
6. Ephraim Smith was born on 2 Feb 1793 in , , , Ireland. He died on 11 Jul 1844 in , Belmont, Oh. He was buried in Harr Met Episc, Harrison Co. He married Elizabeth Parkinson on 24 Nov 1818 in Green, Harrison, Oh.
7. Elizabeth Parkinson was born about 1798 in Frederick, , Md. She died on 6 Sep 1872.
Fourth Generation
8. Gideon Goodwin was born on 3 Mar 1769 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa. He married Rachel Pierce on 16 Aug 1796 in , Frederick Co, Va.
9. Rachel Pierce was born in 1779 in , Frederick Co, Va (MD).
10. William Croley was born in 1724 in Amelia Co, Va. He was married about 1748.
12. Wm Smith was born in 1769 in Ireland. He died on 28 Dec 1835 in Guernsey Co, Oh. He was buried McCoy Cem in grernsey Co Oh. He married Eleanor Montgomery.
13. Eleanor Montgomery was born in 1759 in Co Down, Ireland. She died on 14 Jan 1844 in Guernsey Co, Oh. She was buried McCoy Cem .
14. Thomas Parkinson was born on 6 Oct 1762 in Frederick, Frederick, Md. He died on 19 Oct 1838 in Green Tp, Harrison Co, Ohio. He was buried in Harr Met Episc. He married Elizabeth Schleif on 5 Jan 1784 in Frederick, , Md.
15. Elizabeth Schleif was born in 1758 in Frederick, , Md. She died in 1847 in Green Tp, Harrison Co, Ohio.
Fifth Generation
16. Thomas Goodwin 3rd was born about 1733 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa. He died in , Frederick Co, Va. He married Mary Hall on 25 May 1759 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa.
17. Mary Hall was born in 1739 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa.
18. Joshua Pierce was born in 1742 in , Chester, Pa. He died on 16 Mar 1820 in Wilmington, New Castle, Del. He married Rachel Hayes on 15 Mar 1773 in , Chester, Pa.
19. Rachel Hayes was born on 1 Sep 1753 in , Chester, Pa. She died on 16 Nov 1821 in , Chester, Pa.
28. Edward Parkinson was born before 1742 in , Frederick, Md. He married Dianah James about 1760 in , Frederick, Md.
29. Dianah James was born before 1742 in , Frederick, Md.
Sixth Generation
32. Thomas Goodwin Jr was born about 1694 in LLanduey, Merionthshire, , Wales. He died on 17 Feb 1775 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa. He was buried in Friends Cem, Goshen, Pa. He married Ann Jones on 12 Sep 1729 in Goshen, Chester Co, Pa.
33. Ann Jones was born on 11 Nov 1707 in Merion Tract, Chester, Pa. She died in Merion Tract,Chester, Pa.
34. Thomas Hall was born in 1700 in Concord, Chester Co, Pa. He died in 1780. He married Mary Scarlett about 1730 in Chichester, Chester Co, Pa.
35. Mary Scarlett was born in 1705 in Chichester, Chester Co, Pa.
36. Joshua Pierce was born about 1717 in , Chester, Pa.
38. Isaac Hayes was born on 26 Aug 1727 in , Chester, Pa. He married Hannah Harlan.
39. Hannah Harlan was born about 1735 in New Garden, Chester, Pa.
58. John James .John married Diana Allen.
59. Diana Allen .
If you want to contact our member about these families, you can email the society at CVGenealogy(at)gmail.com and include your email address with your query. We will pass the information to our member and our member can contact you.
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