Thursday, April 5, 2007

Welcome to the Genealogy Cafe!

The Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe is a wholly "owned" blog site of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society (CVGS) - with world headquarters in Chula Vista, California - just south of San Diego.

The purpose of the Cafe is to serve genealogy information to members of the society. The information might be:

1) CVGS events - programs, meetings, groups, research trips, seminars, etc.

2) San Diego area genealogy repositories and resources

3) Online genealogy resources

4) Members' research queries - problem statements and solutions

5) "How to" questions from the members - problems and solutions

In addition, the Cafe can be a gateway for people from all over the world to submit queries to the society for genealogy research.

So, come on in - sit down in your favorite chair with your favorite drink, tell us about yourself - and let's talk!

1 comment:

swe2search said...

I think this is a very good idea,
I do want to say I found a site for Otsego county, NY on that has the census for African Americans including the state censuses. I found my grandfather in the 1915 state and 1930 federal summaries as a home owner with a housekeeper. This is the site: