Three CVGS members (Shirley Becker, Susi Pentico and Randy Seaver) and one "friend" (Mary Kanta) went on the early AMTRAK train on Friday morning, arriving before 10 a.m. at the convention center, and returned on the 4:25 p.m. train on Sunday, arriving back in San Diego at 7:50 p.m. The train trip was organized and sponsored by the San Diego Genealogical Society, which handled all reservations and arrangements - what a great thing to do! CVGS member Ruth Himan and "friend" Ann Diffley drove up together on Saturday and drove home on Sunday.
There were over 100 educational sessions and several special events over the three days, plus the exhibit hall where commercial vendors showed and sold their wares. Many Southern California genealogical societies had exhibits also. In addition to the educational opportunities, one of the highlights of every conference and seminar is the chance to meet and talk with other genealogy enthusiasts. It was great to meet and listen to world renowned genealogy speakers and to be able to talk to them in the exhibit hall or hotel lobby.
There was a Facebook face-to-face meeting on Saturday afternoon in the convention center area. Here is a picture of Susi Pentico (in red) and Pam Journey (in blue) talking to Bruce Buzbee (of RootsMagic), and Shirley Becker (in plaid with her back turned) talking to Jackie MacMaster.
Randy has shared some of his experiences at Jamboree, along with many photos mainly from the genealogy bloggers events, on his blog.
CVGS member Ruth Himan started a blog called Genealogy Is Ruthless Without Me after returning from the Jamboree.
I hope that we can inspire Ruth, Shirley and Susi to write something about their Jamboree experiences in a blog post and newsletter article too.